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Packet 07182022
10A Consent
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8/25/2022 8:12:25 AM
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CM City Clerk-City Council
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File Number: 22-474 <br />Enacted in 2016, SB 1383 is a statewide effort to reduce emissions of short-lived climate <br />pollutants (SLCP). The law sets targets to reduce organic waste disposal 50 percent by 2020 and <br />75 percent by 2025 and rescue 20 percent of currently disposed surplus food by 2025. The City is <br />responsible for complying with the extensive program requirements that include providing <br />organics collection services to all businesses and residents, conducting education and outreach <br />to the community, procuring recyclable and recovered organic products, and reporting efforts to <br />CalRecycle in accordance with established timelines. <br />The City received a CalRecycle Grant of $115,507 for SB 1383 Local Assistance Grant Program <br />Funding to be used by June 30, 2023. Staff intends to use the grant funding for SB 1383 <br />implementation assistance from a consulting firm. On May 1, 2022, the City entered into a <br />Consulting Services Agreement with HF&H Consultants to bring businesses and multifamily <br />residences into compliance with recycling and organics regulations, review public education and <br />outreach efforts, assist staff in the implementation of Recyclist software for SB 1383, and to <br />assist staff in developing a compliant organics product procurement program. In addition, staff <br />tasked HF&H Consultants with developing an implementation plan for the upcoming fiscal year, <br />which is provided in their proposal dated, June 30, 2022. The proposal is the scope of work and <br />compensation schedule for Amendment No. 1 to the agreement. <br />Analysis <br />HF&H Consultants will assist City staff to further develop and implement the City’s SB 1383 <br />regulatory compliance plan for fiscal year 2022-2023. The work is specified tasks 1-3 on the <br />proposal dated June 30, 2022. <br />SB 1383 work tasks include: <br />•Task 1: Implement SB 1383-compliant organics collection for commercial customers <br />•Task 2: Develop SB 1383 recordkeeping and reporting system <br />•Task 3: Review existing contracts and recordkeeping practices related to organic waste <br />product procurement <br />HF&H will also perform additional work for the City not directly related to SB 1383 program <br />implementation. Task 4 in the proposal is to assist the City in developing a procurement strategy <br />for the solid waste, recycling, and organics service collection franchise, which is set to expire <br />February 1, 2025. Task 5 in the proposal is to assist the City to make modifications to the annual <br />report to CalRecycle to adjust for waste that was incorrectly attributed to the City affecting the <br />reported diversion rate. Tasks 4 and 5 cannot be paid for with the SB 1383 grant funding, so <br />other funding sources are identified. <br />Previous Actions <br />•Resolution No. 2022-037 approving and authorizing the City Manager to execute the <br />CalRecycle Grant Application for $115,507 through fiscal year 2022-2023. <br />Fiscal Impacts <br />This project will require Council appropriation of $126,615 for Fiscal Year 2022-2023 from the <br />Page 2 City of San Leandro Printed on 7/13/2022
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