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File Number: 22-428 <br />Studies of the subject intersection indicate that a roundabout would provide the most <br />improvement to traffic flow and traffic calming compared to other alternatives, such as a traffic <br />signal. The conceptual design for the roundabout was completed in 2009, but due to a lack of <br />funding, the City did not enter into a design contract with BKF Engineers for the development of <br />construction-ready plans, specifications, and estimates (PS&E) for the roundabout until 2016. <br />The original 2009 roundabout design concept required bicyclists to either ride in the same lane <br />as motor vehicles or to share the sidewalk with pedestrians. Based on comments received from <br />the City Council Facilities and Transportation Committee, and public meetings, most individuals <br />expressed a preference for a dedicated lane within the roundabout for bicyclists, so protected <br />bike lanes were added to the conceptual design, which increased the project’s footprint. <br />The project includes the construction of a roundabout at the intersection of MacArthur <br />Boulevard/Foothill Boulevard and Superior Avenue that would improve safety for all users. The <br />project also includes installation of protected bike lanes, as well as pedestrian crosswalks. The <br />City has been working with Caltrans to decertify the additional right-of-way needed for the project, <br />which has taken more time and effort than originally anticipated for NEPA environmental <br />clearance and approval of PS&E documents. <br />A retaining wall approximately 220 feet long with a maximum retained height of 3 feet will be <br />constructed as part of the subject project near the bottom of the existing Interstate 580 freeway <br />embankment. The City and its civil design consultant, BKF Engineers, met with Caltrans in April <br />2022 and learned that the retaining wall will require an informal structural type selection process <br />for Caltrans to approve the wall’s design. As a result, additional field work for topographic <br />surveying, coring of the existing embankment, and sampling and testing of the existing soil is <br />necessary. Structural design of the retaining wall is also necessary, since a standard Caltrans <br />retaining wall cannot be utilized due to the peak ground acceleration at the project site. Peak <br />ground acceleration is the maximum ground acceleration that is expected to occur at a particular <br />location in the event of an earthquake. <br />Analysis <br />The cost of $233,559 for Amendment No. 5 with BKF Engineers represents the upper limit of <br />what the additional field work and design costs could be. City staff is working with Caltrans and <br />BKF Engineers to assess whether historical soil boring information from past State projects can <br />be utilized to eliminate the need for new soil borings. It may also be possible that the record soil <br />boring information will support the use of a standard Caltrans retaining wall, which would <br />significantly reduce the amount of additional design work. <br />Alternatives to constructing a roundabout at this location were evaluated and rejected. A common <br />solution, installation of a traffic signal, is not feasible because the high volume of traffic along <br />MacArthur Boulevard would queue back onto the Interstate 580 offramp when the cross traffic has <br />the right of way. <br />Another option would be to revert to the original design concept for the roundabout, which did not <br />involve acquiring right-of-way from Caltrans or right-of-way from adjacent property at 650 <br />Page 2 City of San Leandro Printed on 7/13/2022