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Packet 07182022
10G Consent
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7/14/2022 11:12:32 AM
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7/14/2022 11:12:30 AM
CM City Clerk-City Council
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<br />Consulting Services Agreement between City of San Leandro and Kier & Wright Civil 6/16/2022 <br />Engineers and Surveyors, Inc. for On-Call Land Surveying Consulting Services Exhibit A – Page 1 of 1 <br />EXHIBIT A <br />SCOPE OF SERVICES <br /> <br />Land Surveying <br />• Provide topographic surveys, boundary surveys, utility surveys, legal descriptions and plat maps, <br />and mathematical closure calculations as requested. Consultant shall provide the City with both <br />electronic and hardcopy media for use in project design. <br />• File corner records or records of survey as appropriate. <br />• Provide construction staking indicating the vertical and horizontal location of improvements to be <br />built. <br />• Set survey monuments. <br />• Research and review title issues such as ownership and easements. <br />• Attend meetings with City staff, developers, property owners, and/or technical consultants. <br /> <br />City Surveyor (Alternate) <br />• Research and review title issues on properties subject to development or improvement referencing <br />documents provided by developers and/or owners. <br />• Review the land surveying aspects of tentative maps for conformance with City standards as part of <br />the City’s entitlement process. <br />• Review final maps and parcel maps for conformance with the Subdivision Map Act, adopted City <br />zoning, approved Conditions of Approval, and/or accepted industry practice. Provide stamp and <br />signature on said map as the city surveyor prior to map recordation. <br />• Review Lot Line Adjustment, Parcel Merger, and/or easement plat maps, legal descriptions, and <br />math closure calculations for technical accuracy. <br />• Communicate identified issues in clear, concise writing to City staff and/or the developer’s or owner’s <br />design professionals. <br />• All other work prescribed by California Government Code §66451.1(b). <br /> <br />Task Initiation and Performance <br />• Consultant shall be notified in writing by City staff of a task. Task notification shall include a summary <br />of the work to be completed, a timeframe for completing the work, and the City staff member who <br />will be the point of contact. <br />• Upon receiving the task, Consultant shall respond to the City within 24 hours with any questions <br />regarding the task, including any issues with being able to complete the task in the time allotted, <br />request for task clarification, etc. <br />• Any materials required for a task, such as drawings or calculations, will be transmitted to Consultant <br />via United States Postal Service, and electronically via email or OneDrive, if possible. <br />• Tasks to include Engineering Inspection services, will also include a meeting between City staff and <br />Consultant to discuss the project for which inspection services will be provided. <br /> <br />SCHEDULE <br /> <br />Kier & Wright Civil Engineers and Surveyors, Inc. will work on an on-call basis as needed.
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