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File Number: 22-439 <br />·Policy T-2.1 Complete Streets Serving All Users and Modes - Create and maintain <br />“complete” streets that provide safe, comfortable, and convenient travel through a <br />comprehensive, integrated transportation network that serves all users. <br />·Policy ED-2.3 Development Review and Permitting - Maintain clear and predictable <br />development review and zoning regulations. <br />·Policy EH-4.1 Urban Runoff Control - Continue to implement water pollution control <br />measures aimed at reducing pollution from urban runoff. These measures should <br />emphasize best management practices by residents, businesses, contractors, and public <br />agencies to ensure that surface water quality is maintained at levels that meet state and <br />federal standards. <br />·Policy CSF-6.1 Development Impacts - Permit new development only when <br />infrastructure and utilities can be provided to that development without diminishing the <br />quality of service provided to the rest of the City. <br />·Policy CSF-6.2 Fair Share Costs - Require future development to pay its fair share of <br />the cost of improving the water, sewer, storm drainage, and other infrastructure systems <br />needed to serve that development. Development impact fees, development agreements, <br />and other appropriate forms of mitigation should be used to cover the costs of upgrading <br />or expanding public infrastructure. <br />Legal Analysis <br />The consultant has reviewed and agreed to the terms of the contract and will sign the agreement <br />upon Council approval. <br />Financial Impacts <br />Deposits collected for land development applications will be used to fund this blanket agreement. <br />Sufficient funds are included in the Fiscal Year 2022-2023 CIP budget for this blanket agreement <br />for land surveying and engineering inspection services. The following are examples of CIP <br />accounts that may be used to fund this blanket agreement: <br />·Annual Overlay/Rehabilitation 2020-21, Account 141-38-419:$25,000 <br />·Sanitary Sewer Point Repair 2021-22, Account 593-52-530:$10,000 <br />·Washington Manor Park Pool, Account 210-62-130: $5,000 <br />·Washington/Chapman Railroad Xing, Account 150-38-387:$20,000 <br />·Total $60,000 <br />This Council action will not impact fund balance because there are funds available in the adopted <br />FY 2022-2023 CIP budget. Furthermore, for the charges incurred for development application <br />review, those costs will be 100% paid by applicant deposits. <br />ATTACHMENTS <br />·Attachment A: Resolution of the City of San Leandro City Council to Approve and Authorize <br />the City Manager to Execute a Consulting Services Agreement with CSW /Stuber-Stroeh <br />Page 3 City of San Leandro Printed on 7/13/2022