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File Number: 22-473 <br />Interact Club and Key Club, and their adult community counterparts at Rotary and Kiwanis Club for <br />the tree plantings and canvassing. <br />The project will include the planting of 5000 15 -gallon street trees over two years and another <br />10,000 one-year old saplings will be distributed freely in disadvantaged and low-income <br />communities and schools, as identified by census tracts in CalEnviroScreen. The team will hold <br />Arbor Day and Earth Day tree plantings in 2022 as well as September community organization <br />rally in preparation for winter rainy season plantings in October and November 2022. At each of <br />these community events, there will be a tree distribution plan for 5,000 trees to go to <br />disadvantaged community members in undertreed neighborhoods. The project will also include <br />weekly tree plantings of 55 trees that will include watering, maintenance, community canvassing, <br />and ongoing community stewardship training. <br />The implementation strategy is the best path to meet program objectives of addressing <br />undertreed tree canopy, poor environmental air quality, and public health equity in vulnerable <br />communities. The project meets CALFIRE’s grant guidelines to reduce greenhouse gas (GHG) <br />emissions, authentically engage the local community, and to provide multiple environmental, <br />social, and economic benefits to the community as identified from extensive community <br />engagement meetings from the 2019-2021 climate action planning (CAP) process and with <br />environmental partners. The CAP identifies the need for greater tree canopy to meet its carbon <br />sequestration goal and to meet public health co-benefits of increased shade, reduced urban <br />temperatures, and better air quality. <br />This project will provide jobs for local residents through a workforce development program that <br />will hire community members and youth primarily from frontline communities. Common Vision <br />staff will work and receive training for jobs in arboriculture, horticulture, hydrology, climate science, <br />permaculture, agronomy, electrical and solar energy industry through on-the-job training and <br />workforce development pathways to careers programs provided by the California Community <br />Colleges Bay Area, pre-apprenticeship training through labor union partners. Common Vision will <br />also hire California CivicCorps conservation workers. <br />Previous Actions <br />The CALFIRE grant was approved by council and grant funds appropriated on May 2, 2022 with <br />Resolution 2022-065. <br />Fiscal Impacts and Budget Authority <br />Sufficient funds are included in the Fiscal Year 2022-2023 General Fund budget for the CALFIRE <br />grant work of tree planting services: <br />·General Fund-Administration, Account 150-12-35-5120:$1,499,400 <br />·Total: $1,499,400 <br />This Council action will not impact fund balance because there are funds available in the <br />FY2022-2023 adopted budget. <br />ATTACHMENTS <br />Attachment A: Resolution <br />Attachment B: NPSA between City of San Leandro and Common Vision <br /> <br />PREPARED BY: Hoi-Fei Mok, Sustainability Manager <br />Page 2 City of San Leandro Printed on 7/13/2022