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Packet 07182022
10K Consent
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7/14/2022 11:12:54 AM
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7/14/2022 11:12:47 AM
CM City Clerk-City Council
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File Number: 22-271 <br />Staff recommends that the Council adopt: <br />1.Resolution of Intention to Establish the City of San Leandro Community Facilities District <br />No. 2022-1 (Monarch Bay Shoreline Facilities & Services), and to Levy a Special Tax in <br />the Community Facilities District to Finance the Acquisition and Construction of Public <br />Facilities and the Provision of Public Services <br />2.Resolution of Intention to Incur Bonded Indebtedness to Finance the Acquisition and <br />Construction of Public Facilities in and for the City of San Leandro Community Facilities <br />District No. 2022-1 (Monarch Bay Shoreline Facilities & Services) <br />BACKGROUND: <br />After more than a decade of community outreach and planning, on June 21, 2022, the City <br />Council approved planning entitlements for the Monarch Bay Shoreline development, a <br />public-private partnership between the City of San Leandro (City) and Cal Coast Companies <br />LLC, Inc. (Developer) designed to fulfill the community ’s vision for a self -sustaining, high-quality, <br />mixed-use development complemented by recreational amenities along the bay. The San <br />Leandro Monarch Bay Shoreline Area is bounded by Marina Blvd to the north, the San Francisco <br />Bay to the west, and Fairway Drive to the south. <br />Additionally, on June 21, 2022, the City Council approved a Development Agreement for the <br />project and a Second Amendment to the Disposition and Development Agreement and Purchase <br />and Sale Agreement related to the sale and development of the land currently owned by the City <br />in the project area. <br />To meet the City’s policy goal of fiscal neutrality for the Shoreline project, the agreements <br />between the City and the Developer for the project contemplated the formation of a community <br />facilities district (CFD) under the Mello-Roos Communities Facilities Act of 1982 (Mello-Roos <br />Act). Special taxes levied within the CFD will provide a funding source for public infrastructure <br />and public services needed for the project, payable solely by property owners or lessees of <br />City-owned property located within the boundary of the CFD / new development, and not other <br />residents of the City. To ensure the CFD special taxes do not materially adversely impact the <br />project, City staff has been diligently coordinating with the Developer on the terms of the <br />proposed CFD. <br />Analysis <br />The proposed CFD special taxes will be used to fund ongoing services and can also provide <br />bond funds for infrastructure, including future sea level rise adaptation efforts. All property located <br />in the CFD boundaries will be subject to the special tax that will be levied and collected with the <br />County of Alameda secured property -tax bills. Based on the proposed Shoreline development <br />timeline, it is estimated that the special tax will be levied beginning in FY 2023-2024 for <br />Developed Property located in the boundaries of the proposed CFD. A property is classified as <br />Developed Property once a building permit is pulled. <br />The exact timing of a future CFD bond sale secured by special taxes revenues will be determined <br />based upon the build -out of the project and the need for bond -financed facilities and will be <br />subject to City Council approval. The administration of the CFD will initially be contracted out to <br />Page 2 City of San Leandro Printed on 7/13/2022
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