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File Number: 22-466 <br />which the service was received. A detailed listing of all delinquent accounts for each category <br />type is attached. The accounts listed have not been paid as of July 18, 2022, for the services <br />received, although ongoing attempts have been made to collect the balances due. <br />Prior to fiscal year 2020-2021, eligible delinquent business licenses are submitted as well. In <br />fiscal year 2020-2021, the City opted to not include eligible business licenses due to the adverse <br />impacts of COVID. During the past year, staff worked with the City ’s business license consultant <br />to revisit this practice and determined that at this time, the City will utilize our consultant ’s <br />collections and compliance departments to collect outstanding business license fees. This is in <br />line with industry standards, and the process will be more effective enabling the City to increase <br />overall business license compliance. <br />Alameda County Industries (ACI) conducts solid waste activities in the City. In accordance with <br />the San Leandro Municipal Code, ACI provided the requisite notices regarding the conduct of a <br />public hearing to lien delinquent accounts. <br />Property owners with sidewalk repair, CUPA fees, code compliance and enforcement along with <br />administrative penalties and charges, were sent an initial invoice. Statements with overdue <br />amounts are then sent monthly. The May, June and July 2022 statements included lien <br />information and the public hearing date. <br />Analysis <br />The City’s municipal code permits the City to enforce collections of charges that have been <br />delinquent. This is used after exhausting other efforts to collect. The charges collected are mostly <br />recouping funds spent by the City to provide services relating to public safety. <br />Summary of Public Outreach Efforts <br />·Monthly invoices and notices sent to effected persons . <br />·Published notice of intent to lien in San Leandro Times on June 24, 2022 and July 1, 2022 . <br />·The meeting and public hearing have been properly noticed in accordance with State law . <br />A notice of the public hearing was sent to all property owners in accordance with the <br />provisions of the City of San Leandro’s Municipal Code. <br />Legal Analysis <br />The City Attorney reviewed this staff report and the resolutions and approved them as to form. <br />Financial Impacts <br />The City will eventually collect the entire delinquent amount less any collection fees charged by the <br />Alameda County Tax Collector. The total amount of fees and charges submitted for liens is as <br />follows. <br />Type Amount # of Accounts <br />Page 2 City of San Leandro Printed on 7/13/2022