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File Number: 22-475 <br />Having a Housing Element that is approved by the City Council and certified by HCD allows the <br />City to be competitive for state -funded grants and loans that support local housing programs. The <br />Housing Element Update process focuses on establishing and updating housing and land use <br />strategies to reflect the changing needs, resources, and conditions in the community. <br />Many new State housing laws relevant to this Housing Element update cycle have been enacted <br />since the City’s last Housing Element update was adopted and certified in 2015. The Housing <br />Element Update incorporates and addresses pertinent housing law changes through analysis and <br />new policies and programs. The Housing Element helps the City determine how to address <br />existing and future housing needs and plan for future growth. While housing policies cannot <br />commit the City to construct new housing units, the Housing Element identifies ways in which San <br />Leandro will provide for the housing needs of current and future residents, including establishing <br />priorities for housing programs. <br />Organization <br />The Draft Housing Element is comprised of the following components: <br />§Chapter 1: Introduction provides a brief overview of the purpose and background for the <br />Housing Element and a brief summary of the document. <br />§Chapter 2: Housing Needs Assessment analyzes demographic and socio -economic <br />conditions, housing conditions, and other factors to evaluate current and future housing <br />needs in San Leandro. <br />§Chapter 3: Housing Constraints analyzes regulations and conditions that constitute <br />constraints to housing production and preservation, including governmental regulations, <br />infrastructure requirements and non -governmental market conditions such as costs for <br />land, construction, and labor. <br />§Chapter 4: Housing Resources documents San Leandro ’s ability to satisfy its share of <br />the Regional Housing Needs Allocation (RHNA) and suitable land for residential <br />development during the planning period. <br />§Chapter 5: Affirmatively Affirming Fair Housing provides an assessment of fair <br />housing. <br />§Chapter 6: Housing Plan outlines the City’s housing goals, policies, and implementation <br />programs for 2023-2031 to address the housing needs of the community and comply with <br />State law. The Housing Element includes the following appendices: <br />§Appendix A: Community Engagement includes all engagement materials utilized to <br />encourage public participation in the Housing Element update process. <br />§Appendix B: Housing Sites Inventory identifies properties that are suitable to meet the <br />RHNA. <br />§Appendix C: Review of Past Accomplishments evaluates progress and the effectiveness <br />of the programs included in the previous 5th Cycle Housing Element. <br />§Appendix D: Development Analysis provides information to support the City ’s plan to <br />satisfy the RHNA. <br />Regional Housing Needs Allocation <br />Page 2 City of San Leandro Printed on 7/13/2022
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