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File Number: 22-475 <br />maximize the City’s existing resources and serve the needs of residents, including: <br />·Proposed Zoning Code and General Plan amendments to allow increased densities and <br />height maximums in the PDAs. <br />·Maintaining an inventory of housing opportunity sites and creating a web -based housing <br />development toolkit. <br />·Promoting the highest allowable densities on properties and providing technical <br />assistance. <br />·Streamlining the development process and evaluating parking standards, development <br />fees, and other requirements to reduce potential constraints to housing development. <br />·Reviewing the Zoning Code to encourage a greater mix of dwelling types and sizes in <br />lower-density areas and updating the Zoning Code, as necessary, to accommodate <br />alternative housing types such as housing co -operatives, tiny homes, and collective home <br />ownership models. <br />·Meeting with labor groups and organizations to discuss ways in which the City can support <br />an adequate supply of labor to build new housing. <br />·Annually monitoring remaining housing capacity to ensure compliance with the City ’s <br />obligation to affirmatively further fair housing and promote racial /ethnic and economic <br />integration between neighborhoods as much as possible. <br />·Supporting workforce and moderate -income housing by annually monitoring sites that <br />could be appropriate for moderate -income households, and exploring financing tools that <br />encourage the production of housing appropriate for moderate-income households. <br />ADUs: Various programs specifically target the development of ADUs, including the creation of <br />pre-approved ADU plans and identification of cost saving tools for developers, providing <br />increased education and outreach about ADUs to residents, and monitoring ADU development. <br />Affordable Housing: The Housing Plan prioritizes the preservation and development of housing <br />affordable to City residents, including: <br />·Evaluating and updating the Inclusionary Housing Ordinance <br />·Identifying City-owned land for the development of affordable housing <br />·Leveraging the City ’s Affordable Housing Trust Fund (AHTF), and Low/Mod Housing <br />Asset Fund to leverage public affordable housing funds <br />·Conducting a Comprehensive Impact Fee Study and exploring a standardized fee <br />reduction and/or impact fee waiver program for affordable housing projects, and analyzing <br />ADU development impact fees with the goal of reducing, loaning, granting, or waiving <br />those costs in exchange for providing rents affordable to low- or moderate -income <br />households for a set period of time <br />·Providing developers the ability to acquire and refurbish foreclosed properties and resell <br />them as deed-restricted affordable housing for low- and moderate-income households <br />·Supporting a local non -profit organization that offers CalHOME funding for loans to <br />lower-income homeowners of housing in need of rehabilitation <br />·Seeking funding to assist local property owners /managers operating rental housing in <br />need of rehabilitation <br />·Working with owners of existing affordable housing with expiring affordability covenants <br />that are scheduled for conversion and working with private and non -profit entities to solicit <br />Page 5 City of San Leandro Printed on 7/13/2022
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