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July 18, 2022City Council Meeting Agenda <br />10.CONSENT CALENDAR <br />10.a.22-474 Adopt a Resolution to Approve and Authorize the City Manager to execute <br />Amendment No. 1 to a Consulting Services Agreement with HF&H <br />Consultants, LLC for SB1383 Support through June 30, 2023, for a total <br />not to exceed amount of $184,485 and approve an appropriation of <br />$109,560 into account 594-41-205 and $17,055 into account 594-41-207 <br />for fiscal year 2022-2023 <br />Att A - Reso CSA HF&H Amendment 1 <br />Att B - HF&H FY22-23 On-Call_Services Proposal <br />Att C - CSA - HF&H SB1383 Assistance <br />Attachments: <br />10.b.22-463 Adopt a Resolution to Approve and Authorize the City Manager to Execute <br />a Non-Professional Services Agreement with Bay Area Tree Specialists <br />for High Maintenance Tree Trimming in an Amount Not to Exceed $54,329 <br />Att A - Reso NPSA Bay Area Tree Specialists High Maint Trees <br />Att B - Scope of Work - High Maintenance Trees <br />Att C - Compensation Schedule - High Maint Trees <br />Attachments: <br />10.c.22-465 Adopt a Resolution Opposing the Supreme Court’s Decision to Overturn <br />Roe v. Wade and Supporting the Freedom of Choice <br />Att A - Reso Opposing Overturning of Roe v WadeAttachments: <br />10.d.22-305 Adopt a Resolution to Approve an Acquisition and Maintenance <br />Agreement with the City of Oakland for the MacArthur/Superior <br />Roundabout Project <br />Att A - Reso Oakland Maintenance Agreement for Roundabout <br />Att B - Acquisition and Maintenance Agreement <br />Attachments: <br />10.e.22-428 Adopt a Resolution to Authorize the City Manager to Approve Amendment <br />No. 5 to an Existing Consulting Services Agreement with BKF Engineers <br />for the Preparation of Construction-Ready Plans, Specifications and <br />Estimates for the MacArthur/Superior Roundabout Design Project, Project <br />No. 2014.0470 to Increase the Amount of Compensation by $233,559 for a <br />Total Not to Exceed Amount of $397,859 <br />Att A - Reso Amendment 5 BKF Roundabout Design <br />Att B - CSA Scope of Work for Amendment #5 <br />Att C - CSA Compensation Schedule for Amendment #5 <br />Att D - Original CSA between the City of San Leandro and BKF Engineers <br />Attachments: <br />10.f.22-412 Adopt a Resolution to Approve Parcel Map 11307 for Assessor’s Parcel <br />Number 075-0084-015-02 and Authorizing the City Manager to Execute <br />the Subdivision Improvement Agreement; Owner, Subdivider and <br />Applicant: 2483 Washington Partners, LLC <br />Att A - Reso 2022- SIA PM 11307 2483 WashingtonAttachments: <br />Page 3 City of San Leandro Printed on 7/13/2022