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CITY COUNCIL OF SAN LEANDRO <br />MINUTE ORDER <br />NO. 96-39 <br />SUBJECT: Stop Signs; Matter of Deleting and Designating Stop Signs, <br />Intersections, Donna Street and Lillian Avenue (provides for <br />deleting three-way stop at Donna Street and Lillian Avenue and <br />replacing with a stop sign at Lillian Avenue, northbound <br />approach) <br />MEETING DATE: October 7, 1996 <br />Minute Order No. 96-39, Matter of Deleting and Designating Stop Signs, <br />Intersections, Donna Street and Lillian Avenue. (1022) <br />The City Council continued the Matter of Deleting and Designating Stop Signs, <br />Intersections, Donna Street and Lillian Avenue (provides for deleting three-way <br />stop at Donna Street and Lillian Avenue and replacing with a stop sign at Lillian <br />Avenue, northbound approach), to the October 21, 1996, City Council Meeting. <br />M/S/C Young and Polvorosa. Ayes: 7; Noes: 0 <br />Jacquelyn L. Diaz <br />Acting City Clerk <br />JLD:dd <br />Attachment <br />FWINORDER0 996\100796-4 <br />