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A <br />i <br />Wandzia Grycz 3 10/01 /96 <br />drivers to use the traffic signal at WashingtonBradrick/Monterey (via the Harold Avenue exit) to <br />enter Washington Avenue. <br />Based on the traffic analysis, staff did not recommend full closure of the Harold Avenue exit, as <br />requested by the petitioners. Instead, staff made the following recommendation to the Planning <br />Commission: <br />1. Allow the vehicle exit onto Harold Avenue to remain. <br />2. Close the pedestrian gate. <br />3. Require removal of the spikes across the Harold Avenue driveway, in order to comply with <br />Fire Department requirements. <br />In making this recommendation, staff felt that the vehicle exit should be maintained for safety <br />purposes and closure of the pedestrian gate represented a reasonable compromise which would <br />address most of the neighbors concerns. <br />PLANNING COMMISSION RECOMMENDATION <br />The Planning Commission elected to make the following recommendation to the City Council. <br />1. Maintain the current traffic pattern on the site. <br />2. Maintain the sliding vehicle gate which allows vehicle exit only. <br />3. Require removal of the spikes from the Harold Avenue vehicle driveway, in order to comply <br />with Fire Department requirements. <br />4. Work with the neighbors to study the feasibility of speed bumps on Harold Avenue <br />5. Study the feasibility of limiting the hours of accessibility for the pedestrian and vehicle gate. <br />(Assuming that the pedestrian gate functions properly so that it requires key access from <br />Harold Avenue.) <br />6. Keep the pedestrian gate open. <br />REQUIRED FINDINGS <br />Section 5-2906 of the San Leandro Zoning Code provides for a Hearing to modify or revoke a <br />discretionary approval in the event that the Zoning Enforcement Official determines that there is <br />reasonable grounds for action. To modify or revoke the Site Development Approval, the City <br />Council must make one or more of the following findings: <br />1. That the permit was issued on the basis of erroneous or misleading information or <br />misrepresentation; <br />2. That the terms or conditions of approval of the permit have been violated or that other laws <br />or regulations have been violated; <br />3. That there has been a discontinuance of the exercise of the entitlement granted by the permit <br />for 180 days; <br />