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Wandzia Grycz -3- October 3, 1996 <br />New Holiday Programs to be Offered by the Community Services Department <br />The following holiday programs could be offered. They are meant to support the Downtown merchants as <br />well as to provide for community -wide participation. <br />o SANTA'S VILLAGE —Develop empty downtown storefront as a Santa's Village. Santa would be <br />present during certain hours. Other activities: story time; crafts would be offered at specified hours. <br />Parents could drop off their child and then shop downtown. Open hours would be weekends and <br />evening hours when a significant number of stores would be open. It would be free or first hour free <br />and charge after that. A maximum of three hours would be offered or we would encounter child care <br />licensing issues. Cost $6,400. <br />o SANTA AND TWO ELVES We would provide this activity in conjunction with Santa's Village. <br />Santa would be present on Friday evenings and Saturday afternoons for three weeks before the <br />Holiday. This would include a holiday Polaroid with Santa. Cost $2,100. <br />o BREAKFAST WITH SANTA The Community Services Department would work closely with 3 <br />restaurants to provide Breakfast with Santa to San Leandro residents. The program would include a <br />breakfast with Santa Claus, entertainment, holiday craft, face painting, a small gift and an <br />opportunity to visit with Santa Claus in a quiet personal setting. After the breakfast everyone would <br />be encouraged to play the "Help Rudolph find his way Back to Santa Village Game" Participants <br />would visit local stores and pick up all the things Rudolph will need on his journey and end up back <br />at the Santa Village store front for holiday entertainment. Cost $750 (Cost of breakfast for each <br />participant to be determined with restaurants.) <br />o SAN LEANDRO GOES TO THE SNOW —Charter a family fun bus to a ski resort. The City would <br />underwrite part of the cost to keep the price low. Trip could begin downtown with local restaurants <br />providing breakfast and coffee. Cost for two buses, $2,500. <br />o HOLIDAY HOME AND BUSINESS DECORATING CONTEST —Staff could work with <br />neighborhood homeowner associations/DBA, etc. to encourage participation. We could obtain <br />sponsors to provide attractive cash prizes to winners. The program would include homes and <br />businesses City-wide. There would be a variety of categories. We could set a time for residents to <br />tour the neighborhoods and vote on a "People's Choice" Award. A well publicized award ceremony <br />could be held downtown. Cost $3,300. <br />Total Cost for proposed Community Service Department programs is S 15,050. <br />The Miracle on E. 14th Street was bom out of the imagination and hard work of the Downtown Business <br />Association (DBA). The event is geared to showcase the energy and talents of San Leandro's youth. At <br />several venues throughout the Downtown, students entertain audiences in front of Downtown shops, bringing <br />excellent exposure to Downtown merchants. The City currently spends approximately $2,500 in support of <br />the event. City funds are expended predominately on printing and advertising. The DBA expends <br />approximately $1,000 on the event. The funds proposed below are intended to enhance the Downtown and <br />market the event. 445 <br />