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10Q539-0 <br />June 5, 1995 <br />GO <br />EXHIBIT A <br />DESCRIPTION <br />15' Wide Waterline Easement to EBMUD benefiting Tract 6636 <br />over Lands of the City of San Leandro <br />All that certain real property situate in the City of San Leandro, County of Alameda, <br />State of California being a portion of the parcel separating lots 29 and 30 as said <br />parcel is shown on the map of Tract 1924, recorded in Book 39 of Maps at pages 5 & 6, <br />Alameda County Records, described as follows_ <br />Commencing at the most eastern corner of Parcel B of Tract 6636 recorded in Book <br />219 of Maps at Pages 66-74, Alameda County records; thence from said point of <br />commencement, North 351128'06" West along the northeastern line of said Parcel B, <br />said line being also the southwestern line of the Right of Way of the Southern <br />Pacific Transportation Company, a distance of 10.74 feet; thence leaving said <br />northeastern line, North 54"31'54" East, 60,00 feet to a point on the southwestern <br />line of said parcel separating lots 29 and 30 of Tract 1924, point being the TRUE <br />PO= OF BEGINNING; thence from said True Point of Beginning, North 35°28'06" <br />West along said southwestern line, 15.00 feet; thence leaving said southwestern line <br />North 54131'54" East, 42-44 feet; thence North 73001'30" East, 31.22 feet; thence ?forth <br />21°30'00" East, 57.33 feet to a point on the northern line of said parcel, said point <br />being on the southern Right of Way line of Wicks Avenue; thence along said <br />northern line, from a tangent bearing of South 49'457Q6" East, along a curve to the <br />left having a radius of 40.00 feet through a central angle of 21149'13" for an arc <br />length of 15.23 feet to the northeastern corner of said parcel; thence leaving said <br />northern line, South 21930'00" West, 62.50 feet; thence South 73°01'30" West, 36.02 <br />feet; thence South 54031'54" West, 40.00 feet to the True Point of Beginning. <br />Containing 2,003 square feet, more or less. <br />Prepared by: <br />LD 95-5 <br />Drawing 1253, Case <br />Water Main Easement <br />South end of Wicks <br />APN 8OG-1099-76 <br />S <br />MACKAY & SOMPS" <br />Sia2 FRANC-W azVVE, 311liE B PLE'AS4NTON. CJl 943B93Z55 <br />/6 7 Q) =6-G60O <br />10-93Q-4witZ&44Vk bdL:a9/"IS <br />1602 <br />to EBMUD for Roberts Landing <br />Boulevard <br />City of San Leandro <br />QZ- <br />09/29/95 13:39 TX;PX W .0156 P.004 <br />