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Reso 1996-006 to 010
City Clerk
City Council
Reso 1996-006 to 010
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CM City Clerk-City Council
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On January 16, 1996 , the City Council, by Resolution No. 96-6 , <br />certified as adequate the Final Supplemental Environmental Impact Report for Phases 2A, 2B <br />and 3. <br />THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SAN LEANDRO DOES HEREBY RESOLVE AS <br />FOLLOWS: <br />1. That the City Council makes the following findings of consistency as required <br />by section 7-3-641 of the San Leandro Zoning Code: <br />A. Finding That the proposed use, subject to any specified <br />conditions, will be consistent with the General Plan. <br />The Precise Development Plan is consistent with the San Leandro General Plan in that: <br />a. The quality of the site plan and architecture proposed for the second and third <br />phases of the development is high quality representative of the General Plan <br />Goal to promote the development of higher income housing; <br />b. The San Leandro General Plan (p. V-87) anticipates that the Roberts Landing <br />area will be developed with residential uses, with a variety of densities, and that <br />substantial areas will be devoted to open space. The proposed Phases 2 and 3 <br />of the Roberts Landing Residential Development provide residential units with <br />a variety of densities, with both single-family detached and detached <br />condominium units, and the remainder of the site is dedicated to open space. <br />B. Findin That the proposed use, subject to any specified <br />conditions, will not be materially detrimental or injurious to property in the vicinity and <br />will not be materially detrimental to the public health and safety, general welfare, or <br />convenience. <br />The proposed residential development is compatible with the existing residential <br />developments to the east of the project site and is separated by open space to the north and <br />west and San Lorenzo channel to the south. <br />Appropriate mitigation measures and conditions have been incorporated into the <br />conditions of approval for this project to address issues such as potential hazardous material <br />contamination, noise from traffic and aircraft, and visual impacts. Furthermore, the site plan, <br />the mitigation measures and conditions of approval require that the proposed project be <br />developed so as to: 1) shield exterior street lighting to reduce glare onto adjacent residential <br />properties, 2) require the development to provide traffic mitigation to improve the flow of <br />traffic through key intersections affected by the development, 3) require appropriate drainage <br />systems to direct all stormwater runoff toward extended detention ponds designed for 40-hour <br />drawdown time and then toward the southeast corner of the site to a pump station that pumps <br />the runoff into San Lorenzo Creek, and 4) to minimize dust and other air pollutants resulting <br />from construction activities. <br />
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