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Roberts Landing residential development process in that this document concentrates on <br />potential environmental impacts which were not fully analyzed as potentially significant <br />impacts on the environment. Further environmental review is not required for this <br />project. <br />In April 1994, an initiative was approved by the citizens of San Leandro <br />amending the City of San Leandro's Zoning Ordinance and Zoning District Map in the <br />Roberts Landing area. The Roberts Landing Initiative specifically reclassified an <br />approximately 12-acre area of the Citation property, north of Lewelling Boulevard <br />extension, from Single -Family Residential to Open Space. The Initiative also amended <br />the City's Special Review Overlay District Criteria by adding additional criteria that <br />addressed wetlands protection, flooding, toxics remediation, human health and safety, <br />sea level rise, endangered species habitat and mitigation costs. <br />A Draft Supplemental EIR was prepared by Environmental Science Associates <br />(ESA) for Phases 2A, 2B and 3 and was circulated for comment in accordance with the <br />requirements of the California Environmental Quality Act, including the holding of a <br />public hearing before the Planning Commission on December 14, 1995, for the purpose <br />of receiving oral comments, and the acceptance of written comments for the required <br />statutory period; <br />A Final Supplemental EIR was then prepared by ESA, incorporating the Draft <br />Supplemental EIR and the comments and responses thereto. <br />NOW THEREFORE, THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SAN LEANDRO <br />DOES RESOLVE AS FOLLOWS: <br />I. That the City Council makes the following findings: <br />A. HYDROLOGY AND WATER QUALITY <br />A.1 POTENTIAL IMPACT: Increases in flooding on- and off -site may occur <br />due to increases in impermeable surfaces and runoff, tidal influence and/or sea level <br />rise. <br />FINDING: Changes or alterations have been required in, or incorporated into, <br />the project that avoid or substantially lessen the potential significant environmental <br />affect of increased flooding. <br />STATEMENT OF FACTS: The building pad elevations within the Phase 2A, <br />2B, and 3 portions of the GDP area would be of sufficient height (at least 10 feet <br />NGVD) to adequately protect housing units from 100-year flood events and anticipated <br />sea level rise for the projected life of the project (estimated at 50 years). Using the <br />most conservative estimates of 100-year tide elevation and sea -level rise, flood waters <br />01 <br />