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1. Educational plaques, informing the public about endangered species <br />and sensitive habitat, shall be placed in the buffer areas next to the <br />seating areas. The number and location of plaques shall be subject to <br />the review and approval of the Director of Development Services prior <br />to issuance of building permits. <br />2. The applicant shall implement the May 1995 Final Roberts Landing <br />Mitigation and Monitoring Plan, multi -phase program for feral and <br />exotic animal control as follows: <br />a. The applicant shall provide the funding (through the <br />Homeowner's Association) for a part time animal control <br />officer for 4 days per month who would be employed upon <br />occupancy of the first residential unit. The primary purpose of <br />the part-time animal control officer is to provide a "presence" <br />for enforcement of animal control requirements, control and <br />removal of problem animals, and inspection/enforcement of <br />construction and habitation sanitation requirements. The <br />officer's duties will include periodic inspections, issuance of <br />citations/warnings for violations, and capture and removal of <br />problem native predators, all non-native predators such as feral <br />cats and red fox, and free -roaming dogs and cats which are in <br />violation of existing City regulations and development CC&Rs. <br />b. The CC&R's shall require that all pets outside of homes be <br />required to be on a leash or otherwise confined to private <br />yards. Penalties shall be established for violations after the <br />first offense. <br />C. Building standards, which prevent rats from gaining entrance to <br />structures, shall be implemented during construction. Cracks <br />and openings in building foundations shall be sealed to the <br />extent practicable. All openings where water pipes, electrical <br />wires, sewer pipes, drain spouts, and vents enter a building <br />shall be tightly sealed. Rat proofing materials, adapted from <br />the 1992 Plan, to be used in the development include: <br />u <br />iii <br />Conditions of Approval <br />PD-91-3 PDP - Phases 2 and 3 <br />272 <br />sheet metal, galvanized 26-gauge or greater <br />expanded metal, galvanized 28-gauge or better <br />perforated metal, 24-gauge or greater, perforations not to <br />exceed 1 /4 inch <br />December 8, 1995 <br />Page 2 of 11 <br />