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Reso 1996-006 to 010
City Clerk
City Council
Reso 1996-006 to 010
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7/14/2022 11:56:51 AM
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7/14/2022 11:54:12 AM
CM City Clerk-City Council
CM City Clerk-City Council - Document Type
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P. If any of the development phases 2A, 213, or 3 are to be constructed using <br />multiple final maps, then prior to the approval of the first final map for that <br />development phase, Subdivider shall provide a phasing plan which delineates <br />the multiple final maps and the order of construction of these final maps for <br />review and approval by the City Engineer and the Development Services <br />Director. <br />In addition to multiple map phasing, if any, Subdivider shall provide to the <br />City Engineer for review and approval, prior to the approval of the first final <br />map for that development phase, plans showing construction phasing; truck <br />routes and access within the development; and utility phasing. <br />Q. Concurrent with the first submittal of each final map to the City Engineer for <br />review, the applicant shall submit to the City Engineer a map of the entire <br />development which delineates the actual and proposed park land areas and <br />the actual and proposed number of dwelling units within the development. <br />The City Engineer shall then determine, per Section 7-1-820 of the San <br />Leandro Municipal Code and any revisions thereto in effect at the time of <br />final map submittal, the total acreage of park land required for the <br />development and shall deduct the actual and proposed park land to calculate <br />the park land deficit for which a Park Land In Lieu Fee shall be paid. The <br />City Engineer shall then determine the Fee due by spreading the current <br />market value of the park land deficit as a Fee on each of the units on the <br />subject final map and the balance of the proposed units for which final maps <br />have not been filed. The applicant shall pay the total Fee due for the subject <br />final map prior to the approval of the final map by the City Council. <br />R. Subdivider shall place all utility services for the development underground. <br />S. The proposed Conditions, Covenants, and Restrictions (CC&R's) shall be <br />reviewed and approved by the City Attorney, City Engineer, and <br />Development Services Director prior to approval of each final map. <br />T. Prior to the recordation of each final map with the Alameda County <br />Recorder, Subdivider shall submit to the City Engineer a computer disk with <br />a file of the points and lines of the final map in an AUTOCAD readable <br />format compatible with the City's Automated Mapping System. <br />U. All ground -mounted T.V. Cable facilities shall be located and installed in <br />accordance with the City's "Design and Construction Standards for Ground - <br />Mounted T.V. Cable Facilities." <br />Conditions of Approval December 8, 1995 <br />PD-91-3 PDP - Phases 2 and 3 Page 8 of 11 <br />278 <br />
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