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V. Subdivision Improvement Plans for all on -site and off -site improvements <br />required for the construction of a specific final map shall be prepared by a <br />Registered Civil Engineer and approved by the City Engineer prior to <br />approval of each final map. All improvements shall be designed and <br />constructed in accordance with the City's Subdivision Improvement Standards <br />and Grading Ordinance. <br />W. Concurrent with the approval of each final map, Subdivider shall enter into a <br />Subdivision Improvement Agreement for that final map and shall post surety <br />and insurance in the amounts and forms acceptable to the City Engineer and <br />the City Attorney. <br />X. All street lights, fire hydrants, street signs, and any other above ground <br />appurtenance shall be located clear of the sidewalks along all of the trails and <br />streets within the development. <br />Y. Until such time as all site and building construction for the development has <br />been completed to the satisfaction of the City Engineer, the Subdivider shall <br />provide current Erosion and Sedimentation Control Plans, and amended <br />Storm Water Pollution Prevention Plans (SWPPP's) for all portions of the <br />development where construction is on -going. Said Plans shall be submitted <br />to the City Engineer for review and approval on or before September 1 of <br />each calendar year, and shall be fully implemented on or before October 15 <br />of each calendar year. <br />Z. Public Utility Easements, 3 feet wide, shall be provided along the side <br />property lines of each lot, extending from the private street right-of-way line <br />to the building set back line, to provide a total width of 6 feet for each <br />easement. <br />AA. Public Utility Easements, 5 feet wide, shall be provided on each lot, parallel <br />to and behind the private street right-of-way line. <br />BB. Prior to, or concurrent with, the approval of each final map, the Subdivider <br />shall provide Emergency Vehicle Access Easements over the entire private <br />street system, subject to the review and approval of the City Engineer. <br />CC. "No Parking Any Time" signs and red -painted curb shall be installed, and <br />enforced by the homeowner's association through the CC&R's, along one <br />side of the private street system and around the perimeter of all cul-de-sacs to <br />provide emergency vehicle access as directed by the Fire Department. <br />Conditions of Approval <br />PD-91-3 PDP - Phases 2 and 3 <br />December 8, 1995 <br />Page 9 of 11 <br />279 <br />