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readings were about 1. This magnetic field strength is equivalent to that received from <br />a fluorescent lamp at a distance of 39 inches (PG&E, 1995). As proposed, residential <br />units in Phase 2B would be greater than 400 feet away and residential units in Phases <br />2A and 3 would be greater than 1,000 feet away from the existing transmission lines, <br />therefore, magnetic and electric fields would be substantially less than these estimates. <br />As required by the 1994 Roberts Landing Initiative, the Applicant has had an <br />electromagnetic frequency survey of the site conducted by Pacific Gas and Electric <br />Company (PG&E), including an assessment of possible health risks. The results of this <br />survey shall be distributed to potential new homeowners. This disclosure would ensure <br />that any potential project occupants wearing cardiac pacemakers would have the <br />opportunity to discuss with their physicians the susceptibility of pacemaker devices to <br />electromagnetic interference. In addition, all metal fences and ancillary structures in <br />the right-of-way and in close proximity to transmission lines would be grounded, in <br />accordance with appropriate specifications, to eliminate potential electric shocks. <br />D. VISUAL RESOURCES <br />D.1 POTENTIAL IMPACT: Development of the proposed project would <br />increase obstruction of scenic views from viewpoints within the immediate vicinity of <br />the project site. <br />FINDING: As described in the Draft SEIR, there would be no significant <br />adverse impacts of the project on scenic views. <br />STATEMENT OF FACTS: The visual simulation of project development <br />indicates that Phases 2A and 2B would obstruct clear views of the East Bay hills. <br />However, the ridgeline is visible above the 28-foot height limit of project structures. <br />In addition the simulation verifies that Phase 3 of the proposed project would increase <br />the overall developed character of easterly looking views but would only provide minor <br />view blockage of the hills. Most of the hills and the ridgeline would be visible behind <br />Phase 3 of the project. Thus, the project would not significantly obstruct views of the <br />East Bay Hills and ridgelines. <br />D.2 POTENTIAL IMPACT: Development of the proposed project would <br />change the visual character of the site. <br />FINDING: The mitigation measures described in the Draft SEIR that have <br />been, or will be, implemented as requirements of the GDP EIR would reduce the impact <br />to a less than significant level. <br />STATEMENT OF FACTS: Implementation of Mitigation Measures 3.7.1 and <br />3.7.3 of the GDP EIR would mitigate this impact. Per Mitigation Measure 3.7.1 of the <br />GDP EIR, the Applicant has submitted to the City a palette of colors, chosen so that <br />they do not clash with the earth and sky tones, that are available for review and <br />inspection at the City of San Leandro Development Services Department. Per <br />6 <br />