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EXHIBIT A <br />Scope of Services <br />January 17, 1996 <br />2.05 Trends Analysis: Summarize findings of appropriate recent available trends <br />surveys produced by the State Parks Department and private organizations. <br />2.06 Users Focus Group: Facilitate a focus group discussion among invited <br />participants representative of organized park users groups. Summarize <br />results in a written report. <br />2.07 Youth Focus Group: Facilitate and summarize (as described above) focus <br />group involving youth aged 12-18. <br />2.08 Questionnaire: Develop a one -page questionnaire concerning desired <br />recreation services and perceived issues for circulation (by City staff) to <br />community leaders, school officials, and local organizations. Summarize <br />results in a written report. <br />2.09 Demand Assessment Report: The results of the community outreach <br />activities and demand analysis will be synthesized into projections of demand <br />for facilities. The assessment will focus on park acreage, park type, special <br />use facilities, and individual facilities to be incorporated into the parks. The <br />demand assessment will include both quantitative and qualitative discussion. <br />A Demand Assessment Report will be prepared to present the findings <br />obtained during this phase. The results will be summarized in text, graphs <br />and tables, and the report forwarded to City staff for review and comment. <br />3. Draft Master Plan <br />Purpose: The Draft Master Plan synthesizes the information and decisions reached <br />during the preceding phases for City and public review. <br />3.01 Standards: Based on the earlier round of standards review and analysis of <br />financial impacts, recommended quantified standards will be provided for <br />park acreage, park and recreation facilities development, numbers of <br />individual facilities, and maintenance levels. The recommended standards <br />will be based on an analysis of existing standards, current service levels, <br />comparisons to national standards, our data bank on current standards of <br />other California cities, and the demographic and demand analysis. <br />3.02 Initial Long-term Action Plan: A draft 20-year plan for the City's park system <br />will be prepared. Proposed park and recreation facility acquisition, <br />development, and improvement projects will be itemized and described by <br />type and location. Recommendations for improvements to existing facilities <br />and development of new facilities will be included. A city-wide plan graphic <br />will be produced to illustrate existing and proposed facilities. <br />Exhibit A City -Wide Park Master Plan <br />Page 4 of 6 Callander Associates <br />