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EXHIBIT A <br />Scope of Services <br />January 17, 1996 <br />3.03 Cost Projections: Develop cost projections for acquisition, development, <br />improvement, and maintenance projects. Utilize per -acre cost projections <br />and refine to a greater degree of detail to reflect any unique components of <br />proposed projects. <br />3.04 Initial Priorities: An initial recommendation on development priorities will <br />be prepared, based on the demand analysis, demographic projections, <br />community goals and public participation. <br />3.05 Second Community -wide Public Workshop: Present results of demand <br />assessment phase and the initial long-term action plan and recommended <br />priorities to the public. Facilitate discussion regarding priorities and <br />potential trade-offs, and implications for short-term action plan. Record <br />public comment and summarize in a written report. <br />3.06 Short-term Action Plan: Develop list of recommended specific acquisition, <br />development, and improvement projects to be implemented over a ten-year <br />time horizon. Document in graphic (map) form. <br />3.07 Administrative Draft Master Plan: Synthesize results of previous activities <br />into a comprehensive master plan document for staff review. <br />3.08 Draft Master Plan: Revise document in accordance with direction received <br />from City staff. Submit for Commission review. <br />3.09 Park and Recreation Commission Presentation: Present Draft Master Plan to <br />Park and Recreation Commission and the public for review. <br />4. Master Plan Approval and Adoption <br />Purpose: To incorporate the Master Plan into City policy. <br />4.01 Administrative Draft Final Master Plan: The Draft Master Plan document <br />will be revised to reflect Commission direction, and forwarded to staff for <br />review. <br />4.02 Final Master Plan: Revise as necessary and forward to staff for submittal to <br />Council. <br />4.03 City Council Adoption: The Final Master Plan will be presented to Council <br />for approval and adoption. <br />Exhibit A City -Wide Park Master Plan <br />Page 5 of 6 Callander Associates <br />