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This increase represents a four percent increase in traffic volumes at the six <br />study intersections. The traffic study did not identify any required mitigation <br />measures. The traffic study included an analysis of the possible street closure <br />of Wayne Avenue at Linton Street. The study concluded that closure of Wayne <br />Avenue would result in a significant impact which could not be mitigated. The <br />closure of Wayne Avenue was eliminated as a part of the project. <br />j. PUBLIC SERVICES <br />EFFECT: This infill project area is currently served by the City's police, fire <br />and refuse collection services. The services are expected to continue. <br />FINDINGS: Review of the building permits for this project, which will include <br />standard conditions of approval from the Police, Fire, and Engineering and <br />Transportation Departments, will ensure that the project's design will minimize <br />the need for significant additional services, e.g. security design and fire <br />suppression devices. This City review process will reduce the affect on City <br />services to a level of less than significance. <br />STATEMENT OF FACTS: City review of this project will include standard <br />conditions of approval from the Police, Fire, and Engineering and Transportation <br />Departments. This review will ensure that the project's design will minimize <br />the need for significant additional services, e.g. security design and fire <br />suppression devices. This City review process will reduce the affect on city <br />services to a level of less than significance. <br />EFFECT: This infill project is served by public utilities. Water, gas, <br />electricity, telephone, sewer, storm water and cable tv services are presently <br />available or can be extended from abutting streets. <br />FINDINGS: Water, gas, electricity, telephone, sewer, storm water and cable tv <br />services are presently available or can be extended from abutting streets with no <br />unusual problems anticipated and there is no significant impact relating to the <br />provision of utility services. <br />STATEMENT OF FACTS: Water, gas, electricity, telephone, sewer, storm <br />water and cable tv services are presently available or can be extended from <br />abutting streets with no unusual problems anticipated and there is no significant <br />impact relating to the provision of utility services. <br />III. That the Initial Study and accompanying textual analysis, both of which are <br />incorporated by reference herein, have determined that no other potentially <br />significant environment effects are attributable to the DDA or Proposed <br />Condemnation. <br />IV. That the City Council approves, as adequate, the Mitigated Negative Declaration <br />for the DDA and Proposed Condemnation. <br />