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<br /> <br /> <br />Consulting Services Agreement between City of San Leandro and CSG Consultants, Inc. <br />for Washington Avenue Reconstruction, Project No. 2018.4020 Exhibit A – Page 1 of 4 <br />EXHIBIT A <br />SCOPE OF SERVICES <br /> <br />Project Overview and Objectives <br />The project is located on Washington Avenue, between West Juana Avenue and Castro Street, San <br />Leandro. Washington Avenue is a high crowned street with parabolic cross-section, which makes <br />crosswalks non-compliant with Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA). The goals of the project include, <br />rehabilitating the pavement, making the crosswalks compliant with ADA by reducing the crowns, bringing <br />the abutting curb ramps to compliance and redesigning the curb return radius at the corner of Williams for <br />reduced turning speed. This is a federal-aid grant project, and therefore, all designs and activities must <br />comply with the Local Assistance Procedure Manual (LAPM). <br /> <br />Scope of Work <br />This project involves upgrading non-ADA compliant curb ramps and crosswalks, providing accessibility for <br />existing modes of transportation, and rehabilitating the roadway using a cost-effective treatment method <br />within consideration of existing site constraints, characteristics of subsurface conditions and the City’s <br />available construction budget. The project includes the following tasks. <br /> <br />Task A – Project Management and Coordination <br />Consultant’s project manager will act as the single point of contact with the City and check in on at least a <br />bi-weekly basis to discuss and coordinate details, schedules and issues with the City. Coordination efforts <br />will consist of conference calls, emails and any necessary in-person meetings. <br /> <br />Upon issuance of a Notice to Proceed, consultant will schedule a kick-off meeting with City to clearly <br />identify and discuss project objectives, scope, schedule and budget. At this meeting, the design team will <br />establish contacts for each party, discuss critical path items and review overall project schedule, standards, <br />guidelines and expectations. consultant will continuously manage the project, attend meetings and provide <br />support , as necessary, for coordination between staff and stakeholders. Consultant’s scope of work also <br />includes providing quality assurance and quality control for each milestone submittal. Summary of services <br />under this task include: <br /> Kick-off meeting coordination and attendance <br /> Up to four (4) design team meetings with City, as well as ongoing coordination by email or phone calls <br /> File setup maintenance, management and sharing <br /> Supervision of and coordination with subconsultants <br /> Quality Assurance and Quality Control reviews prior to making milestone submittals to City <br /> Monitoring the project budget <br /> CPM schedule updates using Microsoft Project <br /> Monthly invoices <br />Deliverables <br />Meeting agendas and minutes, schedule updates and invoices <br /> <br />Task B – Topographic Survey <br />Consultant will provide topographic surveying and best fit right of way mapping for the project. The <br />topographic survey limit includes Washington Avenue between Castro Street and W. Juana Avenue <br />(approximately 1,400 linear feet±), as well as 50 linear feet of adjoining side streets to facilitate a smooth <br />DocuSign Envelope ID: 0B2194DA-BDFA-4849-A672-C694D69E193CDocuSign Envelope ID: AB03D5C9-33C0-4112-8D1B-83E1C870F7B1DocuSign Envelope ID: 971FFF99-CADE-40A1-A93A-C3A849D04371