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CSA CSG Consultants 06302020
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City Council
CSA CSG Consultants 06302020
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<br /> <br /> <br />Consulting Services Agreement between City of San Leandro and CSG Consultants, Inc. <br />for Washington Avenue Reconstruction, Project No. 2018.4020 Exhibit A – Page 2 of 4 <br />transition from the reduced roadway crown within the project limits to the existing pavement on side streets. <br />Consultant will collect detailed topographic survey data for the intersection corners where curb ramps were <br />found or measured to be non-ADA compliant during preliminary field walk and require replacement. <br />The survey may be performed using a combination of Terrestrial LiDAR and supplemented by field surveys with <br />Robotic Total Station. AutoCAD Base Map will be prepared based on City of San Leandro CAD Standards. All <br />planimetric features, visible surface utilities, will be mapped including inverts of sanitary sewer and storm drain <br />structures. Street cross-sections every 50/100 feet will be provided. Horizontal and vertical control will be based <br />on California State Plane Coordinates (NAD83, NAVD88). Alternatively, the consultant can use local City <br />benchmark data and a local basis of bearings if preferred. City will provide the type and location of survey <br />monuments and the elevation of benchmarks. <br /> <br />Best fit right of way limits from available records will be shown on the construction drawings. No right of way <br />acquisition will be necessary for the project; however, should the consultant encounter areas where the proposed <br />improvements will encroach upon private property, consultant will review those areas with the City, and make <br />adjustments to the proposed improvements if necessary. If any improvements, e.g., driveway conforms are <br />required to be constructed on private properties, consultant can assist the City as additional services to prepare <br />plat and legal descriptions to obtain temporary construction easements. Filing corner records prior to and after <br />construction is not part of the project scope. <br /> <br />The following services are excluded, but can be provided as additional services: <br />• Preparation of a traffic safety plan or lane closures to complete the topographic survey <br />• Preparation of right of way maps by retracing, locating and tying to survey monuments <br />• Preparation of corner records and coordination necessary to relocate destroyed monuments <br />• Performing and preparing a Record of Survey or Corner Record(s) <br />• Preparation of plat and/or legal descriptions for right of way or construction easements <br />• Obtaining or purchasing Title Reports for adjacent properties <br /> <br />Deliverables <br />Topographic survey in both electronic version and hardcopies. Task C – Geotechnical Investigation <br /> Consultant will apply for a no fee City of San Leandro encroachment permit to collect pavement cores and <br />subgrade samples. These locations will be marked in the field for USA clearance. <br /> <br />Field work will consist of coring along Washington Avenue on either side of the street. Four (4) cores are <br />proposed along the corridor within the parking lanes. Subgrade samples will be collected from a depth of 0-3 feet <br />(measured from lip of gutter) for R value tests. Because there is a high probability that soil cement treatment of the <br />road base will be evaluated during design, the consultant shall collect samples at this time to make this <br />determination. All work will be performed within parking lanes, except that at least one of the cores will be in the <br />street to include identifying existing roadway structural section. No traffic control will be provided. Additional <br />sampling for Cement Treated Base (CTB) treatment is not included in this scope but can be performed as an <br />additional service. All field work is planned to be completed within one working shift that includes, pavement <br />coring, and pavement subgrade sampling. <br /> <br />Laboratory testing for R-value will be conducted on collected two (2) samples. Core samples will be measured for <br />asphalt thickness and photographed for documentation. A summary of the field work will be provided in a table. <br />DocuSign Envelope ID: 0B2194DA-BDFA-4849-A672-C694D69E193CDocuSign Envelope ID: AB03D5C9-33C0-4112-8D1B-83E1C870F7B1DocuSign Envelope ID: 971FFF99-CADE-40A1-A93A-C3A849D04371
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