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Agmt Commercial Revitalization 1495 E.14th Street 12012021
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Agmt Commercial Revitalization 1495 E.14th Street 12012021
Entry Properties
Last modified
6/24/2024 12:15:04 PM
Creation date
7/14/2022 12:51:13 PM
CM City Clerk-City Council
Document Date (6)
Recorded Document Type
Owner/City Agreement
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RECORDING REQUESTED BY <br />AND WHEN RECORDED MAIL TO: 2021385688 12/01/2021 03:55 PM <br />OFFICIAL RECORDS OF ALAMEDA COUNTY <br />Po,a� MELISSAWILK,CLERK-RECORDER <br />City of San Leandro RECORDING FEES: $0.00 <br />835 E. 14th Street =° <br />San Leandro, CA 94577 <br />�4N� ��1 II 1 11111 I I 1 II III I II 1 II 111 <br />J4 LULL I Exempt From Recording Fee Pursuant to Government Code Sections 6103 and 27383 <br />Cjjy ;,,.. .t; OFFICE I COMMERCIAL REVITALIZATION AGREEMENT <br />21 PGS <br />THIS COMMERCIAL REVITALIZATION AGREEMENT (this "Agreement') is <br />entered into as of September 7, 2021 (the "Agreement Date"), by and between the City of San <br />Leandro, a California charter city organized and existing under the laws of the State of California <br />("City"), and Wannawin San Leandro, LLC, a California limited liability company <br />("Landowner"). <br />RECITALS <br />This Agreement is entered into upon the basis of the following facts, understandings and <br />intentions of City and Landowner. <br />A. Landowner is the owner of that certain real property located at 1495 E. 141" Street, <br />San Leandro, California (the "Commercial Property"). The location of the Commercial Property <br />is described in the Legal Description attached hereto as Exhibit "A" and depicted on the "Site <br />Map" attached hereto as Exhibit "B" and incorporated herein. The Commercial Property is <br />currently improved with a building which was formerly used as a bank. <br />B. Landowner desires to renovate and modernize the Commercial Property for <br />commercial uses which are proposed to include a restaurant, brewery and outdoor dining, and <br />has commenced the rehabilitation of the Commercial Property for such uses. The rehabilitation <br />of the Commercial Property is expected to attract additional restaurants, office uses and retail <br />businesses to locate in the downtown area of City, which will help to strengthen the downtown <br />economy and provide substantial employment, sales and property tax benefits to City. <br />C. In order to renovate the Commercial Property, it is necessary for an electrical <br />transformer to be installed to supply electricity to the Commercial Property (the "Transformer"). <br />Because the improvements on the Commercial Property cover the entire site, the Transformer <br />must be located in other offsite real property located adjacent to the Commercial Property. <br />D. City owns real property located to the west of and adjacent to the Commercial <br />Property, which is currently used as a public parking lot (the "City Property"). The location of <br />the City Property is depicted on the Site Map. <br />
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