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Agmt Commercial Revitalization 1495 E.14th Street 12012021
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Agmt Commercial Revitalization 1495 E.14th Street 12012021
Entry Properties
Last modified
6/24/2024 12:15:04 PM
Creation date
7/14/2022 12:51:13 PM
CM City Clerk-City Council
Document Date (6)
Recorded Document Type
Owner/City Agreement
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E. Landowner has requested that City grant an easement to Pacific Gas and Electric <br />("PG&E") over the City Property for the installation of the Transformer and for related utility <br />lines that will service the Commercial Property. <br />F. The City's grant of the Easement over the City Property pursuant to this <br />Agreement will advance the City's goals of establishing a firm foundation for long-term fiscal <br />sustainability, and supporting projects and programs promoting sustainable economic <br />development, including transforming City into a center for innovation. The economic interests <br />of City's residents and the public health, safety and welfare will be served by providing the <br />requested Easement. <br />NOW, THEREFORE, in consideration of the mutual covenants and promises set forth <br />herein, City and Landowner agree as follows: <br />1. Grant of Easement. City agrees to grant an Easement to PG&E for the <br />installation of the Transformer and for related utility lines that will service the Commercial <br />Property, substantially in the form of Exhibit "C" attached hereto and incorporated herein, with <br />such changes as approved by the City Manager and City Attorney. As conditions precedent to <br />City's grant of the Easement to PG&E, (a) Landowner shall have entered into a Gas and <br />Extension Agreement with PG&E providing for extension of gas and electric service to the <br />Commercial Property, (b) PG&E shall have received all building permits and all other required <br />permits and approvals from the City for the installation of the Transformer, and (c) PG&E shall <br />have provided notice to the City that it is ready to begin the installation of the Transformer. <br />2. City Rights to Terminate Easement. The Parties understand that the City <br />Property may be needed in the future for a downtown redevelopment project or other use as <br />determined by City in its sole discretion, and that the Easement will contain a provision allowing <br />City to terminate the Easement and to require PG&E to remove the Transformer and other <br />facilities on the City Property by notice to PG&E. Notwithstanding City's rights to terminate the <br />Easement as provided therein, City agrees that (a) City shall not provide notice to PG&E of the <br />termination of the Easement prior to the tenth (1 Oth) anniversary of the date of the Easement, and <br />(b) City shall provide notice to Landowner of City's intent to terminate the Easement at least one <br />hundred eighty (180) days prior to giving notice to PG&E of the termination of the Easement. In <br />the event City terminates the Easement, City shall meet and confer with Landowner and PG&E <br />to discuss alternative locations for the installation of the Transformer and a new easement <br />therefor, and shall use good faith efforts to assist Landowner and PG&E to secure an alternate <br />location for the Transformer. Landowner agrees to pay all costs of relocation of the Transformer <br />directly to PG&E promptly upon receipt of an invoice therefor. Landowner shall further pay to <br />City any out-of-pocket costs incurred by City in connection with the relocation of the <br />Transformer, within thirty (30) days after receipt of a detailed invoice from City for such costs. <br />3. City Review and Approval. Nothing set forth in this Agreement shall be <br />construed as the City's approval of any development applications for the Commercial Property <br />or other required submittals in accordance with the City Municipal Code. The City shall have all <br />rights to review and approve or disapprove all development applications for the Commercial <br />Property and other required submittals in accordance with the City Municipal Code, and shall <br />
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