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Agmt to Conds 14655 Wicks Blvd 12012021
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Agmt to Conds 14655 Wicks Blvd 12012021
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6/24/2024 1:20:34 PM
Creation date
7/14/2022 12:51:33 PM
CM City Clerk-City Council
Document Date (6)
Recorded Document Type
Agreement to Conditions
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have recycled water available at the Water Pollution Control Plant at 3000 Davis <br />Street. Contact the WPCP at 510-577-3434 for more information. <br />7. A Grading Permit is necessary for this project. The requirements for said permit <br />are indicated in San Leandro Municipal Code §7-12. The Grading Permit can be <br />processed prior to or concurrent with the Building Permit(s). <br />8. The applicant shall submit a detailed Operations and Maintenance (O&M) <br />agreement in accordance with MRP Section C.3.11. The O&M agreement shall <br />be required prior to Grading Permit issuance. <br />9. The applicant shall reduce storm water pollution by implementing the following <br />pollution source control measures: <br />a. Structures shall be designed to discourage the occurrence and entry of <br />pests into buildings, thus minimizing the need for pesticides. The trash area <br />shall be separated from the rest of the building by concrete or masonry walls <br />so that pests that gain access to the area are less likely to access the rest <br />of the building. <br />b. All storm drains shall be marked "NO DUMPING, DRAINS TO BAY". <br />c. All on -site storm drains shall be inspected and, if necessary, cleaned at least <br />twice a year immediately prior to the rainy season. <br />d. Sidewalks and parking lots shall be swept regularly to minimize the <br />accumulation of litter and debris. Steam cleaning or low volume pressure <br />washing may be performed only after pre -cleaning using dry methods, spot <br />cleaning and recovery in stained areas and removal of all mobile pollutants. <br />Debris resulting from pressure washing shall be trapped and collected to <br />prevent entry into the storm drain system. Wash water containing any soap, <br />cleaning agent or degreaser shall not be discharged to the storm drain. <br />e. Interior floor drains (if any) shall not be connected to the storm drain system. <br />f. The property shall be swept regularly to minimize the accumulation of litter <br />and debris. Loaded trucks entering or exiting the site must have their loads <br />covered with tarps to prevent debris from escaping. <br />g. Air conditioning condensate shall be directed to landscaped areas. Any air <br />conditioning condensate that discharges to land without flowing to a storm <br />drain may be subject to the requirements of the State Water Resources <br />Control Board's (SWRCB) Statewide General Waste Discharge <br />Requirements (WDRs) for Discharges to Land with a Low Threat to Water <br />Quality. <br />h. Landscaping shall be designed to minimize irrigation and runoff, promote <br />surface infiltration where appropriate, and minimize the use of fertilizers and <br />pesticides that can contribute to storm water pollution. <br />i. Where feasible, landscaping shall be designed and operated to treat storm <br />water runoff by incorporating elements that collect, detain, and infiltrate <br />runoff. In areas that provide detention of water, plans that are tolerant of <br />saturated soil conditions and prolonged exposure to water shall be specified. <br />Agreement to Conditions September 16, 2021 <br />PLN21-011 14655 Wicks Blvd. Page 4 of 10 <br />
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