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EXHIBIT "A" <br />Legal Description <br />Lot Merger PRJ21-0003 <br />New Lot 1 <br />Real property situate in the City of San Leandro, County of Alameda, State of California, and being all of <br />those certain Parcels of land described in the Grand Deeds per document numbers 2018-002589 & 2018- <br />008065 & 2022-009570 recorded January 4, 2018 & January 16, 2018 & January 13, 2022 respectively, in <br />the Official Records of said County, and being more particularly described as follows: <br />Beginning at the northwest corner of said Parcel (2018-002589); Thence along the north lines of Parcel <br />(2018-002589) and Parcel Two of (2018-008065), North 69' 13' 00" East — 241.87 feet to the northeast <br />corner of said Parcel Two, Thence along the east line of Parcel Two, South 20° 47' 00" East — 303.40 feet <br />to the southeast corner of Parcel Two, Thence along the south line of all of those three Parcels mentioned <br />above, South 69' 13' 00" West — 241.87 feet to the southwest corner of Parcel per Deed 2018-002589, <br />Thence along the west line of Parcel per Deed 2018-002589, North 20' 47' 00" West — 303.40 feet to the <br />Point of Beginning. <br />Containing 73,383 square feet of land area, more or less. <br />Basis of Bearings is the West line of Parcel 2018-002589 taken as North 20° 47' 00" West. <br />SEE EXHIBIT B — PLAT TO ACCOMPANY LEGAL DESCRIPTION WHICH IS ATTACHED HERETO AND <br />MADE A PART HEREOF. <br />Prepared By: <br />Scott A. Shortlidge, LS 6441 <br />End of Description <br />�0 SAND S� <br />SNORT �L <br />0 <br />LO rr*i X <br />� N o. 6441, <br />� <br />�\� <br />SHEEET 1 OF 2 <br />Date <br />