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IN THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CIT- OF SAN LF-ILNDRC <br />ORDINANCE NO. 93-010 ( 2698 ) <br />AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF SAN LEANDRO <br />AMENDING SECTIONS 6-4-100, 6-4-400 and 6-4- <br />405 OF THE SAN LEANDRO MUNICIPAL CODE <br />RELATING TO ABATEMENT OF ABANDONED VEHICLES <br />The City Council of the City of San Leandro does ORDA�IN as <br />follows: <br />Section 1. Section 6-4-100 of the San Leandro Municipal <br />Code is iierebv amended to read as follows: <br />"Section 6-4-100: FINDING AND DECLARATION. The <br />accumulation and storage of abandoned, wrecked, dismantled, or <br />inoperative vehicles, or parts thereof on private property or <br />public property including highways as defined in the California <br />Vehicle Code is hereby found to create a condition tending to <br />reduce the value of property, to promote blight and <br />deterioration, to invite plundering, to create fire hazards, to <br />constitute attractive nuisance creating hazards to the health, <br />safety and welfare of minors, to create harborage for rodents and <br />insects and to be injurious to the public health, safety and <br />general welfare. Therefore, the presence of an abandoned, <br />wrecked, dismantled, or inoperative vehicle or part thereof on <br />private property or public property including highways as defined <br />in the California Vehicle Code is hereby declared to constitute a <br />public nuisance which may be abated in accordance with the <br />provisions of this chapter." <br />Section 3. Section_6-4-400 of the San Leandro Municipal <br />Code is herebv amended to read as follows: <br />"Section 6-4-400: STORAGE PROHIBITED. Any person who <br />causes or permits the storage of an abandoned, wrecked, <br />dismantled, or inoperative vehicle or part thereof on private or <br />public property including highways as defined in the California <br />Vehicle Code is guilty of an infraction." <br />Section 3. Section 6-4-405 of the San Leandro Municipal <br />Code is hereby amended to read as follows: <br />"Section 6-4-405: FAILURE TO OBEY PROHIBITED. Any person <br />who fails or refuses to abate and remove an abandoned, wrecked, <br />dismantled, or inoperative vehicle or part thereof from private <br />property or public property including highways as defined in the <br />California Vehicle Code, after having received notice pursuant to <br />section 6-4-300, is guilty of an infraction." <br />