Laserfiche WebLink
TIME AND EXPENSE SCHEDULE <br />Only necessary time and expense for investigation and field adjusting costs required to develop <br />professional claim file shall be charged. Services will be billed at: <br />a) Adjuster's Fee: $46.00 per hour <br />b) Auto Expense: $.40 per mile, with probable increase during contract based <br />upon cost to operate a compact vehicle <br />c) Office Overhead: 24% x services <br />d) Photocopies: $.30 per page <br />e) Official Reports: Actual Cost <br />f) Adjuster's Expense: Actual Cost <br />g) Communication Expense: 5% x services <br />h) Photographs: $2.00 each <br />i) Audio Cassettes: $3.00 each <br />j) Video Cassettes: $10.00 per tape <br />k) File Set Up: $35.00 <br />1) Stenographic:* 12% x services <br />*Transcription of recorded statements $3.50 per page <br />Administrator shall submit its bills on a monthly basis and payment should be within a <br />reasonable period of time, not to exceed thirty (30) days. In the event a claim is open three <br />(3) months, or exceeds three (3) hours time, or upon request of the City, administrator shall <br />submit an interim bill. <br />Exhibit A-1 <br />