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a <br />SUBGRANTEE SERVICE AGREEMENT <br />COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT BLOCK GRANT <br />(EDEN COUNCIL FOR HOPE AND OPPORTUNITY (ECHO HOUSING)) <br />THIS AGREEMENT is made at San Leandro, California, as of June 17, 1996, by and <br />between the CITY OF SAN LEANDRO, a municipal corporation ("City"), and EDEN <br />COUNCIL FOR HOPE AND OPPORTUNITY (ECHO HOUSING), a California non-profit <br />corporation ("Subgrantee"), who agree as follows: <br />1. SERVICES. Subject to the terms and conditions set forth in this Agreement, <br />Subgrantee shall provide the services ("Services") described in Exhibit A. Subgrantee shall not <br />commence said work nor shall it be entitled to any payment for said Service until it has <br />received written notice from the City that the City has received HUD CDBG funding for the <br />1996-97 Fiscal Year. <br />2. PAYMENT. City shall provide funds to the Subgrantee for Service performed <br />pursuant to this Agreement at the time and in the manner set forth in Exhibit B. The amounts <br />specified in Exhibit B shall be the only payments to be made to Subgrantee for Service <br />performed pursuant to this Agreement. Subgrantee shall submit all billings for said Service <br />to City in the manner specified in Exhibit B; or, if no manner be specified in Exhibit B, then <br />according to the usual and customary procedures and practices which Subgrantee uses for <br />billing clients similar to City. Notwithstanding any other language set forth in this agreement, <br />City shall not be responsible for any payments to the Subgrantee in the event that the City <br />fails, for any reason, to receive CDBG funds from HUD. <br />3. FACILITIES AND EQUIPMENT. Except as set forth in Exhibit C, <br />Subgrantee shall, at its sole cost and expense, furnish all facilities and equipment which may <br />be required for performing work pursuant to this Agreement. City shall furnish to Subgrantee <br />only the items listed in Exhibit C according to the terms and conditions set forth in Exhibit C. <br />