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8. Recording Ordered. The City Clerk shall forthwith: <br />(a) deliver the assessment to the Superintendent of Streets, together with the <br />diagram, as approved and confirmed by this Council, with a certificate of such <br />confirmation and of the date thereof, executed by the City Clerk, attached thereto. The <br />Superintendent of Streets shall record the assessment and diagram in his office in a <br />suitable book to be kept for that purpose, and append thereto his certificate of the date of <br />such recording, and such recordation shall be and constitute the assessment roll herein. <br />(b) cause a copy of the assessment diagram and a notice of assessment, <br />executed by the City Clerk, to be filed and recorded, respectively, in the office of the <br />County Recorder of the County of Alameda, such notice to be in substantially the form <br />provided in Section 3114 of the Streets and Highways Code of California. <br />From the date of recording of the notice of assessment, all persons shall be deemed to <br />have notice of the contents of such assessment, and each of such assessments shall thereupon be <br />a lien upon the property against which it is made, and unless sooner discharged such liens shall <br />so continue for the period of ten (10) years from the date of the recordation, or in the event bonds <br />are issued to represent the assessments, then such liens shall continue until the expiration of four <br />(4) years after the due date of the last installment upon the bonds or of the last installment of <br />principal of the bonds. The appropriate officer or officers are hereby authorized to pay any and <br />all fees required by law in connection with the above. <br />9. Cash Collection Period Waived. To expedite the completion of these proceedings, <br />and pursuant to written waivers heretofore executed by all of the owners of the properties to be <br />subjected to the assessments levied herein, which waivers are on file with the City, the following <br />shall not apply to these proceedings: <br />(a) the requirement that the notice to pay assessments shall be published or mailed; <br />(b) the right to have thirty (30) days or any other period within which to pay <br />assessments in cash, it being the intention of the owner(s) not to pay same in cash and to <br />have bonds issued therefor; <br />