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j <br />STANDARD <br />CONTRACTUAL SERVICES AGREEMENT <br />THIS AGREEMENT is made at San Leandro, California, as of August 19, 1996, by and <br />between the CITY OF SAN LEANDRO, a municipal corporation ("City"), and the SAN <br />LEANDRO CHAMBER OF COMMERCE, hereinafter referred to as Agency. <br />Recitals <br />1. Agency is a local organization which provides necessary leadership training <br />opportunities to the citizens of San Leandro. A description of these services is attached hereto, <br />incorporated herein and marked as Exhibit A. <br />2. The City Manager of the City of San Leandro has recommended that the City <br />Council allocate and approve Thirty-two Thousand Dollars ($32,000.00) to Agency to be used <br />for planning and conducting a "Leadership San Leandro' program. <br />NOW, THEREFORE, the parties hereto mutually agree to as follows: <br />A. Agency shall: <br />(1) Apply the funds received hereunder toward the provision to the City and <br />its citizens of services set forth in Exhibit A. <br />(2) Submit to City a report setting forth the activities undertaken in pursuance <br />of this agreement. <br />Standard Contractual Services Agreement Page 1 of 2 <br />6/12/95 - w61 <br />JAWMFORWAGREMANDARD.W61 <br />