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EXHIBIT A <br />SCOPE OF SERVICES <br />The Chamber will carry on the following activities: <br />(1) Select and convene a "Leadership San Leandro" Steering Committee. <br />(2) Select and contract with a "Leadership San Leandro" Program Coordinator. <br />(3) Plan and design one two-day Orientation session and eight monthly, day -long <br />sessions that will comprise the Leadership San Leandro program. <br />(4) Recruit and select participants for the Fiscal Year 96-97 Leadership San Leandro <br />program. <br />(5) Conduct a "Leadership San Leandro" program during Fiscal Year 96-97. <br />(6) Commit sufficient Chamber staff time and resources as needed to advance the <br />"Leadership San Leandro" program and accomplish program goals in a timely <br />manner. <br />(7) Submit a program report (alumni directory). <br />(8) Submit one invoice to the City and payment for services will follow City's receipt <br />of invoice. <br />