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SCOPE OF SERVICES <br />INTRODUCTION <br />Engineering services includes the engineering design and construction support services for <br />Disinfection System Improvements at the City of San Leandro Water Pollution Control <br />Plant as generally recommended in the feasibility report on Chlorination Handling <br />Facility Upgrade of October, 1992. The modification will include installation of up to <br />two (2) flash mixing devices in the secondary effluent line; removal of the existing gas <br />chlorine feed system and replacement with a sodium hypochlorite storage and feed <br />system; and baffling improvements to the existing chlorine contact tank to maximize <br />contact time. The new sodium hypochlorite storage and feed system will include three <br />(3) bulk storage tanks of about 7,000 gallons to be located within the existing covered <br />storage area, two (2) chemical metering pumps for disinfection, a transfer pump for <br />moving concentrated hypochlorite between storage tanks and associated electrical and <br />process control instrumentation. The existing residual chlorine analyzer and flow <br />metering pacing system can be used to pace the new feed equipment, but consideration <br />will be given to incorporating an ORP system for better pacing control. Secondary <br />containment will be provided by a concrete parapet wall around the storage tanks and a <br />sump pump in the storage area. <br />As part of the Preliminary Design, an evaluation will be made for coordinating <br />hypochlorite usage for prechlorination and activated sludge bulking. It is anticipated that <br />the City's staff will develop the equipment for a portable system using hypochlorite in <br />connection with the development of the disinfection system so that both systems are <br />complimentary of one another. <br />ENGINEERING DESIGN SERVICES <br />The engineering design services for the disinfection system improvements include: <br />Task 1 - Preliminary Design <br />The purpose of this task is to establish, in detail, the facilities and system components <br />needed for each of the process units. Work in this task involves selection of unit <br />components and materials, development of preliminary plans and elevations showing <br />Exhibit A <br />Page 1 of 4 <br />9/26/88 Rev. <br />1/10/90 Rev. <br />