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r <br />purpose of computing final compensation. Effective January 1, 1996, said contribution for public safety <br />management personnel only shall be nine percent (9%). Effective July 1, 1994, the City shall report the <br />Employer Paid Member Contribution (EPMC) to PERS as compensation for retirement purposes. <br />For eligible non -management general government employees, the City shall contribute to the Public Employees' <br />Retirement System (PERS) each pay period a portion of the employee's contribution rate as established by law, <br />equal to seven percent (7 %) of the employee's "compensation" as that term is administered by the Board of <br />Administration of PERS, for the purpose of computing final compensation. Effective July 1, 1994, the City <br />shall report the Employer Paid Member Contribution (EPMC) to PERS as compensation for retirement <br />purposes. <br />Hourly, part-time employees working in full-time classifications who work on a consistently scheduled basis, <br />with the probability of this type of employment continuing on subsequent annual basis, and who are otherwise <br />eligible for and enrolled into the PERS retirement system, will be eligible for the same seven percent (7 %) City <br />PERS payment as those eligible employees who are employed in hourly, part-time classifications. <br />Section 1.1 CITY MANAGER'S DEPARTMENT <br />Step 1 Step 2 Step 3 <br />City Manager: Effective 7/1/96 9280 9736 10229 <br />Max. <br />Step 1 Step 2 Step 3 Step 4 Step 5 Step <br />Assistant City Manager 7153 7511 7887 8281 8695 <br />Deputy City Manager 5140 5397 5667 5950 6248 <br />Information Services Manager 5140 5397 5667 5950 6248 <br />City Clerk 5128 5384 5653 5935 6232 <br />Economic Development Coordinator 5128 5384 5653 5935 6232 <br />Systems Analyst 4154 4363 4580 4809 5048 <br />Community Relations Representative 3750 3936 4128 4329 4536 <br />Information Services Specialist 3602 3796 3995 4208 4429 4536 <br />Administrative Assistant to the City Manager 3045 3197 3356 3528 3704 <br />Senior Computer Operator 2767 2906 3051 3207 3367 <br />Computer Operator 2463 2592 2726 2860 3013 <br />5 <br />