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Section 2-13-210. Administrative Interpretation <br />The Council may, by resolution, adopt guidelines for administrative <br />matters related to the interpretation and enforcement of this chapter. Such <br />guidelines may establish new uses or may modify uses listed in Section 2-13-140 <br />provided that the maximum number of benefit units for any use can be no more than <br />seven (7). <br />Section 2-13-220. Refunds -- Improved Parcels <br />The occupant or owner of improved parcels which were unoccupied for at least <br />six months of the year shall receive a refund of any tax paid, provided an application <br />in a form satisfactory to the City Manager is filed no later than August 1 for the <br />preceding year for which a refund is sought. <br />Section 2-13-230 <br />Refunds -- Grounds Not Specified <br />Any person claiming a refund of the tax for any reason not provided <br />herein shall first file a claim pursuant to the San Leandro Municipal Code. All <br />claims must be filed by the person who paid the tax, or his or her guardian, <br />conservator or the executor of his or her estate. No claim may be filed on behalf of <br />other taxpayers or a class of taxpayers. <br />SECTION 2 <br />Savings Clause <br />If any provision, sentence, clause, section or part of Chapter found <br />to be unconstitutional, illegal or invalid, such finding shall affect only such provision, <br />sentence, clause, section or part, and shall not affect or impair any of the remaining <br />parts of Chapter 13. <br />SECTION 3 Authority for Ordinance <br />This ordinance is enacted pursuant to the authority of the Charter of <br />the City of San Leandro. Any action to challenge the tax imposed by this ordinance <br />shall only be brought pursuant to Government Code section 50077.5. <br />0 <br />