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Section 2. The ballot measure shall be as follows and shall appear and be <br />printed upon the ballots as follows: <br />CITY OF SAN LEANDRO MEASURE <br />Shall an Emergency Medical Services (EMS) tax be <br />approved to continue to fund emergency fire dispatch, fire ❑ Yes <br />apparatus based paramedics, and other EMS related programs <br />which will support the delivery of emergency medical services <br />requiring basic and advanced life support, in a yearly amount ❑ No <br />of $9.90 per family/benefit unit, with an annual adjustment <br />based on the Consumer Price Index with total adjustments not <br />to exceed $5.10. <br />Section 3. The tax to be enacted by the voters pursuant to Section 2 shall be <br />in the form set forth in Attachment 1, attached hereto. <br />Section 4. Notice of the time and place of holding said election is hereby <br />given and the City Clerk of the City of San Leandro is hereby directed to publish, <br />post, and give such further additional notice of said election as prescribed by the <br />Elections Code and Government Code of the State of California. <br />Section 5. The Board of Supervisors of the County of Alameda is requested <br />to permit the Registrar of Voters to render all necessary election services requested by <br />the City, for which services the City agrees to pay, and the Registrar of Voters is <br />authorized and delegated to perform these duties relating to the conduct of the <br />Special Municipal Election. <br />Section 6. The City Council instructs the City Clerk to transmit the ballot <br />measure to the City Attorney along with a request that an impartial analysis be <br />prepared for the ballot measure. <br />Section 7. In accordance with the Elections Code, arguments no more than <br />300 words in length may be submitted; arguments must be filed in the Office of the <br />City Clerk no later than 5:00 p.m. on March 17, 1997. As provided in the Elections <br />Code, rebuttals will not be permitted. A committee of the City Council appointed by <br />the Mayor is authorized to submit on behalf of the City Council an argument in <br />favor of the ballot measure with such other signatures as the committee deems <br />appropriate and necessary. <br />0 <br />