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21. In conjunction with performance of this contract, CONTRACTOR has been made cognizant <br />of and will comply with, all applicable affirmative action, anti -discrimination and equal <br />opportunity guidelines and requirements of the federal, state or local government. <br />CONTRACTOR will use its best efforts to utilize minority and female enterprises and <br />ensure that minority and female -owned enterprises have equal opportunity to compete for <br />subcontractor work under this contract. CONTRACTOR shall maintain records <br />documenting data on the race, ethnicity, and single -headed household status (by gender of <br />household head) of households applying for or benefitting from HOME -funded activities, <br />on actions taken to affirmatively further fair housing, and on outreach to minority and <br />female enterprises, including data indicating the racial/ethnic or gender character of each <br />business receiving a subcontract of $25,000 or more paid with HOME funds. <br />22. CONTRACTOR and CONTRACTOR's employees shall comply with the CITY's policy <br />of maintaining a drug -free work place. Neither CONTRACTOR nor CONTRACTOR's <br />employees shall unlawfully manufacture, distribute, dispense, possess or use controlled <br />substances, as defined in 21 U.S. Code Section 812, including marijuana, heroin, cocaine, <br />and amphetamines, at any CITY facility or work site. If CONTRACTOR or any employee <br />of CONTRACTOR is convicted or pleads nolo contendere to a criminal drug statute <br />violation occurring at a CITY facility or work site, the CONTRACTOR within five days <br />thereafter shall notify the head of the CITY department/agency for which the contract <br />services are performed. Violation of this provision shall constitute a material breach of this <br />Agreement. <br />23. Time is of the essence in each and all provisions of this contract. <br />24. CONTRACTOR shall maintain, at all times during the term of this contract, the insurance <br />and bonding documentation described in Exhibit C to this contract, and shall comply with <br />all other requirements set forth in that Exhibit. <br />25. CONTRACTOR agrees to comply with the property management standards required of all <br />Federal grantees, attached hereto as Exhibit D. <br />26. CONTRACTOR agrees to comply with general Federal/State conditions, attached hereto <br />as Exhibit E. <br />27. This contract can be amended only by written agreement of the parties hereto. <br />