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EXHIBIT A <br />WORK PROGRAM BETWEEN <br />SAN LEANDRO SHELTER FOR WOMEN AND CHILDREN (SLSWC) <br />AND CITY OF SAN LEANDRO <br />1. Upon approval of the Development Services Director or her designee, CONTRACTOR shall <br />use the HOME funds subject to this contract to fund predevelopment and construction <br />monitoring expenses associated with the rehabilitation of fifty-four (54) housing units at the <br />Naval Lodge, Naval Air Station, City of Alameda in Alameda County. The 54 housing units <br />will be used as transitional housing for very -low income, female headed families and <br />permanent affordable housing for single women with disabilities. <br />2. CONTRACTOR shall have primary responsibility for carrying out all phases of the <br />development, including, but not limited to, securing additional financing; obtaining planning <br />approvals; project design; rehabilitation; and leasing and management. All expenditures <br />related to the project shall be reviewed and approved by the Development Services Director <br />or her designee. <br />3. One hundred percent (100%) of the HOME -assisted units developed under this contract shall <br />rent for no greater than 30 percent of 50 percent of the area median income minus utility <br />allowance and shall be occupied by households with incomes of not more than 50 percent of <br />the area median income. If necessary to ensure the project's financial feasibility, and with <br />the permission of the Development Services Director or her designee, the affordability of the <br />units may be adjusted within the limits allowed by HOME. <br />4. CONTRACTOR shall record against the property a Regulatory Agreement which shall specify <br />affordability and occupancy levels, term of affordability, maintenance and management <br />standards, and other related requirements. The Development Services Director or her <br />designee shall set the terms and conditions of such document. <br />5. CONTRACTOR shall provide CITY with monthly progress reports beginning April 1, 1997. <br />6. CONTRACTOR shall meet specific timelines for the following tasks: <br />1. Retain project manager <br />2. Predevelopment surveys, <br />permanent financing <br />3. Commencement of Construction <br />April 1, 1997 <br />April 1997 - January 1998 <br />February 1998 <br />4. Initial Occupancy October 1998 <br />