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1*:4 111.30a11 <br />PROPERTY MANAGEMENT STANDARDS <br />1. This attachment prescribes uniform standards governing the utilization and disposition of <br />property furnished by the Federal Government or acquired in whole or in part with Federal <br />funds by State and local governments. Federal grantor agencies shall require State and local <br />governments to observe these standards under grants from the Federal Government and shall <br />not impose additional requirements unless specifically required by Federal law. The grantees <br />shall be authorized to use their own property management standards and procedures as long <br />as the provisions of this attachment are included. <br />2. The following definitions apply for the purpose of this attachment: <br />a. Real ropedL Real property means land, land improvements, structures and <br />appurtenances thereto, excluding movable machinery and equipment. <br />b. Personal 1L ep rty. Personal property means property of any kind except real property. <br />It may be tangible -- having physical existence, or intangible -- having no physical <br />existence, such as patents, inventions, and copyrights. <br />C. Nonexpendable personal property, Nonexpendable personal property means tangible <br />personal property having a useful life of more than one year and an acquisition cost of <br />$300 or more per unit. A grantee may use its own definition of nonexpendable personal <br />property provided that such definition would at least include all tangible personal property <br />as defined above. <br />d. Expendable personal propeM. Expendable personal property refers to all tangible <br />personal property other than nonexpendable property. <br />e. Excess lZ en ly, Excess property means property under the control of any Federal agency <br />which, as determined by the head thereof, is no longer required for its needs. <br />3. Each Federal grantor agency shall prescribe requirements for grantees concerning the use of <br />real property funded partly or wholly by the Federal Government. Unless otherwise provided <br />by statute, such requirements, as a minimum, shall contain the following: <br />a. The grantee shall use the real property for the authorized purpose of the original grant as <br />long as needed. <br />b. The grantee shall obtain approval by the grantor agency for the use of the real property <br />in other projects when the grantee determines that the property is no longer needed for the <br />original grant purposes. Use in other projects shall be limited to those under other Federal <br />