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Reso 1997-021 to 025
City Clerk
City Council
Reso 1997-021 to 025
Entry Properties
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7/14/2022 3:29:46 PM
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CM City Clerk-City Council
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applying the percentage of Federal participation in the grant program to the current <br />fair market value of the property. <br />(3) If the grantee has no need for the property, disposition of the property shall be <br />made as follows: <br />(a) Nonexpendable property with an acquisition cost of $1,000 or less. Except for that <br />property which meets the criteria of (2)(a) above, the grantee shall sell the property <br />and reimburse the Federal grantor agency an amount which is computed in <br />accordance with (iii) below. <br />(b) Nonexpendable propeEtkwith an acquisition cost of over $1,000. The grantee <br />shall request disposition instructions from the grantor agency. The Federal agency <br />shall determine whether the property can be used to meet the agency's requirement. <br />If no requirement exists within that agency, the availability of the property shall <br />be reported to the General Services Administration (GSA) by the Federal agency <br />to determine whether a requirement for the property exists in other Federal <br />agencies. The Federal grantor agency shall issue instructions to the grantee within <br />120 days and the following procedures shall govern: <br />(i) If the grantee is instructed to ship the property elsewhere, the grantee shall <br />be reimbursed by the benefiting Federal agency with an amount which is <br />computed by applying the percentage of the grantee's participation in the <br />grant program to the current fair market value of the property, plus any <br />shipping or interim storage costs incurred. <br />(ii) If the grantee is instructed to otherwise dispose of the property, she or he <br />shall be reimbursed by the Federal grantor agency for such costs incurred <br />in its disposition. <br />(iii) If disposition instructions are not issued within 120 days after reporting, the <br />grantee shall sell the property and reimburse the Federal grantor agency an <br />amount which is computed by applying the percentage of Federal <br />participation in the grant program to the sales proceeds. Further, the <br />grantee shall be permitted to retain $100 or 10 percent of the proceeds, <br />whichever is greater, for the grantee's selling and handling expense. <br />(4) Where the grantor agency determines that property with an acquisition cost of <br />$1,000 or more and financed solely with Federal funds is unique, difficult, or <br />costly to replace, it may reserve title to such property, subject to the following <br />provisions: <br />(a) The property shall be appropriately identified in the grant agreement or otherwise <br />made known to the grantee. <br />
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