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l <br />2. SCOPE OF WORK <br />applicant and their consultants. ESA is aware of previously completed <br />data resources including the Draft, Supplemental, and Final EIR for <br />Lake Chabot Terrace and geotechnical documentation submitted by the <br />applicant. We would establish the schedule for the remaining <br />deliverables to ESA and identify any known gaps or other <br />shortcomings in the available data. As directed by City staff, <br />responsibilities and schedules for any necessary supplementation of <br />information will be clearly assigned. This meeting will also serve to <br />identify problem impact areas already known to exist and possible <br />mitigation measures and CEQA strategies for addressing them. <br />• Site Visit. A visit of the site and immediate surroundings will provide <br />the project technical team with an opportunity to directly observe <br />current setting conditions and to question project principals in the field <br />about the intended relationships of the project to the site. For <br />efficiency, this site visit may be combined with the Initiation Meeting <br />described above. <br />• Initial Data Review Meeting. The purpose of this meeting will be for <br />the appropriate members of the ESA team to summarize the results of <br />the initial data review and site visit, to identify any new problematic <br />environmental issues arising from the initial data review, and to <br />identify any information gaps in the data that were not addressed at the <br />Project Initiation Meeting. City staff would again assign <br />responsibilities and schedules for any necessary data supplementation. <br />This meeting will also provide an opportunity to recapitulate the <br />mitigation status of previously identified measures and strategies, and <br />to further explore strategies for mitigating any remaining problematic <br />impacts. <br />• Administrative Draft EIR Review Meeting. Upon completion of the <br />ADEIR, the team would meet with the City and applicant <br />representatives to present its conclusions and accept the City's final <br />direction concerning preparation of the Draft EIR and a Mitigation <br />Monitoring Program (MMP). <br />• Response to Comments Meeting. A meeting would be held, if <br />necessary, at the end of the 30-day public review period for the Draft <br />EIR and after any public hearings on the Draft EIR, to address public <br />and agency comments and response strategies. It is expected that at <br />this meeting the City will provide its final direction to the consultant <br />team for the preparation of the Final EIR that will be considered for <br />adoption by the Planning Commission and City Council. <br />• Public Hearings. ESA anticipates that three to five public hearings will <br />be held to review, consider, and adopt the Final EIR. ; One or two <br />hearings of the City Planning Commission and/or City Council, or a <br />4 of 37 <br />Boulders Residential Development EIR <br />