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2. SCOPE OF WORK <br />Task 5: Prepare Draft EIR (DEIR) <br />After City staff have reviewed the ADEIR and have met with ESA, <br />necessary revisions would be incorporated into the document. ESA will <br />deliver 75 copies of the DEIR to the City for public and agency distribution. <br />Task 6: Prepare Final EIR (FEIR) <br />The ESA project team will review and analyze written and oral public and <br />agency comments on the Draft EIR, and prepare a Final EIR and deliver <br />50 copies to the City. <br />The FEIR will consist of copies of all written comments on the Draft EIR <br />and numbered responses to comments. (For additional fees, transcripts of <br />the oral comments at public hearings could also be incorporated into the <br />FEIR if the City prefers.) <br />Should the public comments raise new issues not previously within the <br />agreed -upon scope of work, ESA will so advise the City and request <br />guidance in addressing new issues. <br />Task 7: Mitigation Monitoring Program (MMP) <br />ESA will prepare an MMP consistent with applicable City Codes and CEQA <br />Guidelines and Statutes (Pub. Res. Code 21081.6). Please see Section 6 for <br />an example of an ESA MMP format, which was used for the Graham Hill <br />Subdivision in the County of Santa Cruz. <br />Optional Task <br />Produce a Statement of Findings for EIR certification and if necessary a <br />Statement of Overriding Considerations working in close coordination with <br />City Staff on appropriate findings. <br />B. EIR OUTLINE <br />The following discussion presents the proposed outline of the Draft EIR, and <br />strategic considerations related to the preparation and presentation of <br />individual sections. <br />Summary <br />The summary will include a project description and overview of the <br />significant environmental effects and the mitigation measures that would <br />reduce or avoid those significant effects. <br />7 of 37 <br />Boulders Residential Development EIR <br />