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AMENDMENT TO CONTRACTUAL SERVICES AGREEMENT WITH <br />BARRY J MILLER, AICP <br />THIS AMENDMENT TO AGREEMENT is made at San Leandro, California, as of <br />NOVEMBER 15, 1999, by and between THE CITY OF SAN LEANDRO ("City") and Barry J <br />Miller, AICP ("Contractor"). <br />This Amendment is made in contemplation of the following facts, understandings, and <br />intentions of the parties: <br />A. On October 5, 1998, the City and Contractor entered into an Agreement by <br />approving Resolution No. 98-137, relating to the update of the Land Use and Transportation <br />Elements of the General Plan, for an amount not to exceed $155,000, as agreed to in said <br />Agreement. The scope of work consisted of performing the tasks of an inventory of existing <br />conditions, development of alternatives, formulation of goals, policies, and programs, <br />preparation of the Plan document and related maps, preparation of associated environmental <br />impact documents, and related community outreach and participation tasks. Work pursuant to <br />this scope of work commenced in November 1998 and is presently approximately 40 percent <br />complete. <br />B. The City desires to amend the Agreement to extend the scope of the Agreement, <br />and to correspondingly increase the total amount of payment by adding $100,000 for a total <br />contract amount of $255,000. <br />NOW, THEREFORE, the parties agree as follows: <br />1. EXHIBIT A, Scope of Services, shall be amended as follows: <br />The additional work of this amendment includes preparation of the state -mandated Open <br />Space, Conservation, Safety, and Noise Elements, preparation of a Historic Preservation <br />Element (or Sub -Element), and associated data collection, analysis, environmental impact <br />assessment, and community outreach. These tasks are described in further detail in <br />EXHIBIT A-1. <br />2. Work on the additional tasks as listed in EXHIBIT A-1 will commence <br />immediately after the date of this Agreement and will continue concurrently with the <br />tasks listed in EXHIBIT A. The schedule for completion of the work indicated in <br />EXHIBIT A is adjusted such that the Administrative Draft General Plan and EIR will be <br />completed in October 2000, and the Public Review Draft General Plan and EIR will be <br />available by December 2000. <br />3. EXHIBIT B, Payment Schedule, shall be amended as follows: <br />Amendment to Agreement Page 1 of 2 <br />