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Reso 1998-031 to 035
City Clerk
City Council
Reso 1998-031 to 035
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CM City Clerk-City Council
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Section 1.8 POLICE DEPARTMENT (cont.) 2/3/4/5/6/7/8/9/10/11/12/13/14/15/16 <br />2/ For eligible non -management sworn Police Department staff, effective January 1, 1989, the City shall <br />contribute each pay period that portion of the employee's contribution rate as established by law equal to <br />nine percent (9%) for those employees in the classification of Police Officer and Police Sergeant and seven <br />percent (7%) for those eligible employees in the classification of Administrative Specialist -Police and <br />Police Services Aide. Effective July 1, 1994, the City shall report the Employer Paid Member Contribution <br />(EPMC) to PERS as compensation for retirement purposes. Effective January 1, 1996, the City shall <br />contribute each pay period that portion of the employee's contribution rate as established by law equal to <br />nine percent (9%) for public safety management staff. <br />3/ For the period of March 1, 1998 through February 28, 2001, uniformed sworn officers in the classification <br />of Police Sergeant and Police Officer assigned to the Patrol and the Traffic divisions who are assigned for <br />at least thirty (30) consecutive days to such a duty assignment, shall receive an additional One Hundred <br />Dollars ($100) per month pay differential when so assigned. Effective March 1, 1998, a uniformed Police <br />Sergeant shall receive a One Hundred Dollars ($100) per month differential when assigned to the <br />Administrative Unit. <br />4/ For the period March 1, 1998 through February 28, 2001, sworn officers regularly assigned to the <br />Investigation Division may receive a One Hundred ($100) per month differential while so assigned. <br />5/ For the period of March 1, 1998 through February 28, 1999, a uniform allowance of Seven Hundred Fifty <br />Dollars ($750) per fiscal year is allowed for full-time sworn non -management members of the Police <br />Department who are required to purchase and maintain uniforms. Effective March 1, 1999, a uniform <br />allowance of Eight Hundred Dollars ($800) per fiscal year is allowed for full-time sworn non -management <br />members of the Police Department who are required to purchase and maintain uniforms. Sworn members <br />of the Police Department who are regularly assigned to motorcycle duty shall receive at the beginning of <br />the assignment for the purchase of two (2) pairs of motorcycle pants Two Hundred Fifty Dollars ($250). <br />6/ For the period commencing July 1, 1995, an annual uniform allowance of Seven Hundred Fifteen Dollars <br />($715) is allowed for sworn Police managers; effective March 1, 1999, the annual uniform allowance shall <br />be Eight Hundred Dollars ($800). <br />7/ Effective July 1, 1985, the Police Development Incentive Program pay increments shall be: <br />Monthly Category <br />Educ./Cert./Time <br />Amount <br />Legend: <br />A <br />P.B. + 3 years <br />$100 <br />B <br />P.I. + 6 years <br />4% <br />BAC. = Baccalaureate <br />C <br />P.A. + 10 years <br />5% <br />P.A. = POST Advanced <br />D <br />Bac. + P.I. + 5 years <br />5% <br />P.I. = POST Intermediate <br />E <br />Bac. + P.A. + 10 years <br />7% <br />P.B. = POST Basic <br />Only sworn employees hired prior to March 1, 1985 shall be eligible to participate in the Police <br />Development Incentive Program. Payment shall be made by a separate check on or before June 5 and <br />December 5 of each calendar year. Such Program shall terminate effective March 1, 1990. Those sworn <br />11 <br />
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