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Action Plan - FY1998 <br />City of San Leandro <br />Page 4 <br />PART II. ACTIVITIES TO BE UNDERTAKEN <br />INTRODUCTION <br />This section of the City of San Leandro Action Plan includes the proposed activities for <br />FY1998/1999 to be undertaken by the City of San Leandro. This section of the Action <br />Plan includes the programs and activities which the City of San Leandro will carry out to <br />implement its Housing and Community Development Strategic Plan during the next fiscal <br />year. The Strategic Plan is the five-year plan for fiscal years 1995 through 1999, included <br />in the Five -Year Consolidated Plan, adopted in May 1995. <br />The central piece of this section is the Consolidated Plan "Proposed Projects" table. Please <br />refer to these tables for a description of individual activities to be funded with FY <br />1998/1999 Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) funding. This section also <br />includes a description of how the jurisdiction will ensure geographic distribution of its <br />resources, the process by which assistance will be distributed in the case that an activity <br />location is currently unknown (e.g., residential rehabilitation programs), activities <br />benefitting homeless and other special needs populations, and other local or state programs <br />being used to further the jurisdiction's housing and community development goals. <br />Activities undertaken with federal HOME Investment Partnership Program (HOME) funds <br />are described separately in the Alameda County HOME Consortium Action Plan. <br />