Laserfiche WebLink
EXHIBIT A <br />SCOPE OF SERVICES <br />This scope of services is intended to describe the services and products necessary, but is not <br />intended to be an all inclusive detailed listing of all tasks and actions necessary. <br />GROUND CONTROL <br />The Consultant shall submit a flight and control map prior to any airborne operations. This map <br />shall indicate the proposed control layout, flight lines, altitude assignments and exposure marks. <br />The proposed tile layout and City limit lines shall be plotted on the map. <br />The Consultant shall meet with the City once the map is prepared, to agree on the necessary ground <br />control. The City will place and maintain the necessary field markings within an agreed upon time <br />frame. If the Consultant is unable to perform the aerial photography within the agreed upon time <br />frame, any cost incurred by the City to reestablish and maintain the ground control, shall be <br />reimbursed by the Consultant to the City. The only allowable exception would be delays due to <br />adverse weather conditions. <br />AERIAL PHOTOGRAPHY <br />The Consultant is responsible to ensure that all photography complies with National Map Accuracy <br />Act standards for accuracy and detail. The City requires one set of contact prints and a 24" x 36" <br />photo index sheet for the contact prints. The photos shall be black and white and the negative scale <br />shall be no smaller than 1" = 280'. Aerial photography shall cover the entire City of San Leandro. <br />DIGITAL ORTHOPHOTOGRAPHY <br />Digital orthophotography shall be produced by creating digital elevation models, rasterizing the <br />aerial photoimagery and performing a pixel level rectification of the raster imagery to remove relief <br />displacement at ground level. The digital orthophotographs must meet or exceed National Map <br />Accuracy standards for 1" = 40' scale. Digital orthophotographs shall cover the entire City of San <br />Leandro. <br />Scanning <br />Aerial negatives or film diapositives shall be converted to digital raster images using a precision <br />photogrammetric scanner. All digital image processing shall be performed at high resolution. <br />Resampling of the imagery to quarter foot pixels shall not take place until immediately prior to <br />delivery. <br />Exhibit A Pagel of 4 <br />1/10/90 Rev. <br />