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IN THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SAN LEANDRO <br />RESOLUTION NO. 97 - 139 (1136 ) <br />RESOLUTION APPROVING FINDINGS OF FACT AND CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL <br />AND MODIFICATION OF THE SITE DEVELOPMENT SUBCOMMISSION APPROVAL <br />RELATED TO VEHICLE AND PEDESTRIAN ACCESS TO HAROLD AVENUE <br />SD-7544; ST. MORITZ APARTMENTS; 14744 WASHINGTON AVENUE <br />Recitals <br />On October 20, 1997, the matter of SD-75-44 (14744 Washington Avenue) to consider <br />the revocation or modification to the Site Development approval granted in 1975 to permit <br />vehicle and pedestrian access to Harold Avenue from the St. Moritz Apartments was heard by the <br />City Council. This matter was continued from the March 3, 1997 City Council meeting. <br />After due consideration of the evidence presented, the City Council makes the following <br />findings: <br />1. On October 7, 1996, the City Council conducted a public hearing on the modification or <br />revocation of the Site Development Approval SD-75-44. The City Council found that SD- <br />75-44 has been exercised in such a manner as to constitute a public nuisance and is <br />detrimental to public health and safety. The City Council acted to modify the Site <br />Development Permit and directed staff to prepare findings, conditions and a monitoring plan <br />for consideration at the November 18, 1996 City Council meeting. <br />2. On November 18, 1996, the City Council continued the matter to allow the representatives of <br />the St. Moritz Apartments and the Harold Avenue neighbors an opportunity to negotiate a <br />compromise solution. <br />3. On March 3, 1997, the matter was continued to a date uncertain to allow further negotiations. <br />G:VOANN\SMORITL\RESFINDC. CC <br />